Eid Mubarak

14 Apr 2004
Eid Mubarak to all the muslims who have been fasting over Ramadhan.

I hope you all found it beneficial. The moon has been sighted across the muslim world. Eid has been announced :D

For those that have nothing to contribute, press the back button. You trolled the ramadhan thread, don't do the same here.
The Muslim world?

Anyway have a good one...
Predominantly muslim countries - Pakistan/India/Malay/Indo/Arab Peninsula

Aye Eid Mubarak to all, time has flown!

OT: Dark how did your month of training go? Any loss or gains?
It was tough!

Training was difficult to stick to. I was hitting the 5x5 programme and I failed my squats for the first time @ 132.5KG. After that set back I decided to drop the 5x5 routine and just take it easy. I've been hitting the gym 1-2 times a week and just reaping the benefits of Ramadhan. I experimented a bit with keto and I've dropped noticeable body fat. Lost about 10lb.
Yeah, I tried the 5x5 but didn't go too heavy, it was ok but my energy levels were like 0. I don't think I've lost any mass, perhaps a pound or 2 of fat though!
Excellent - Now's the time to hit it hard!

:eek: You didn't have any to lose last time I saw you
Haha that's because we were busy drooling at Jordan's car :p

I also can't believe it's over :(

Eid Mubarak to every one - from what I can tell, this is the most united that Muslim countries/communities have been regarding Eid in a long time and long may it continue :)
Aye, It's been the most beneficial ramadhan to date for personal development.

Alhamdulillah, it's great to see the Ummah coming together! :)

Someone I work with did this, whats it ment to commemorate as it were?, like whats the story behind why it should b done ? :)
Eid (In arabic . . Eid ul-fitr - known as the smaller of the two eids) is a celebration to mark the end of Ramadhan. Muslims across the world celebrate this on the new lunar day of the month.

More info here: Eid ul-fitr
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