EK 780Ti FC Query

13 Jan 2004
Having just had a 780Ti killed by the fitting a waterblock, thought I would clarify some things.

I followed the EK instructions, but I have a feeling their thermal pad placement is wrong in the guide.

EK shows the following:


However, when looking at other cooling designs the R33/R22 modules are NOT actively cooled. As far as I can tell these are coils and do not require active cooling.


Competing Waterblocks DO NOT cool the R33/R22 modules. When I removed the EK 780Ti FC waterblock I noticed that the pads did not even appear to have made contact with the R33/R22 modules. They were still stuck to the PCB whilst every other pad was stuck to the block, had appeared to have made contact and had some degree of recessed outline showing contact between part and block.

I am assuming the pads are non electrically conductive and won't cause issues even if placed in areas that they should not be. Or will it cause problems?

Would like a comment from EK if possible, why does the instruction manual show to cool these R33/R22 modules and secondly, why does the block appear to make no contact with them?
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The pads are definitely non conductive and I fail to see how it could have bricked the card. Would be interested to see what EK say RE the R33/22 modules though. I'll be fitting 3 of these blocks very soon.
Was the card tested before fitting the block? It sounds silly but it's pretty hard to kill a card by fitting a water block too. Putting thermal pads in the wrong place certainly wouldn't have done it.
We recommend putting thermal pads on them so the blocks fits a little bit more "comfortably". It also provides a "buffer" layer between the block and chokes so neither component has the risk of being damaged in anyway. They are non conductive and cause no problems, and we provide them so it's not a big deal anyway, right?
We recommend putting thermal pads on them so the blocks fits a little bit more "comfortably". It also provides a "buffer" layer between the block and chokes so neither component has the risk of being damaged in anyway. They are non conductive and cause no problems, and we provide them so it's not a big deal anyway, right?

Thanks for the reply.

It's not a case of using up thermal pads, you do indeed provide plenty and it;s not a big deal. Just curious as to why they were included in the guide as no other solution cools them and the EK block does not appear to make contact.

Question answered!
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