Electric cars

No, I meant from my pedalling. If it skims 50W off me while I'm pedalling downhill (or possibly even on flats) that would be fine.

Trust me, it wouldn’t. 50w is pretty significant for normal people. A very fit cyclist (you know the Lycra clad kind who ride everywhere daily) can only sustain 250w for about 20 mins and they would be a complete sweaty exhausted mess when they got off. The older you are the lower the number gets too. A normal person riding around town might be doing 100w.

let’s take 60w to keep the math simple.

Say you recharge the battery on a decent at 60w for 1 min. You would theoretically generate 1wh of stored energy. But you need to deduct drivetrain and charging losses, say 30%. You are down to 0.7wh.

A very typical 48V 12.5ah ebike battery is about 600wh. So you have recouped 0.116% of its capacity.
I take your point, I forget my FTP is a lot higher than just your regular person.

Having said that, my point wasn't around if it was possible, but that it was more believable than a self regenerating car...
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