Elite IV: The next Encounter

24 Jul 2005
Apparently, this is down for release on March 30th 2007. However, I've looked and can't find any detailed info on it.

Now, with me being a massive Elite fan right from the beginning on the BBC B Micro this is a must have game.

Does anyone have any info or more importantly any links?

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They certianly have kept quiet about this, there were rumors at the beginning of the year, but like you, I can't find any details.
A screenshot or 2 would be nice :)
Due for release on 30/03/2007

our price: £34.99 Delivered

RRP: £49.99 You save: £15.00 (30

certain site says that noj idea if its true though

1. What is Elite 4?

"Elite 4" is the fourth game in the Elite series, though as with the other sequels this is only a working title; it will be called something different when released.

2. Will Elite 4 be based around realistic physics?

Yes, substantially (ie except hyperspace, and general relativity), though the actual flight behaviour will feel more like Elite than Frontier.

3. How will Elite 4 relate to First Encounters?

The two are entirely independent.

4. Will Elite 4 be multi-player?

Both single- and multi-player versions are planned, it is now likely the single-player version will be released first.

5. When will Elite 4 be released?

There is more than one planned release. We will make an announcement as soon as possible.

6. Will Elite 4 have realistic stellar systems (like Frontier) or have entirely made up worlds (like the original Elite)?

It will have realistic stellar systems, with fully detailed planet surfaces visible from orbit. It will again be possible to land on planets.

7. What platforms will it be available for?

We will make an announcement as soon as possible.
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Yeah, that's where I saw it when checking to see if Guild Wars: Nightfall is on there yet.

Bit of advice though, they are classed as a competitor so I'd edit the link out.
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Recent comments from Frontier

Frontier have forums, with a thread about Elite 4. In response to:
I am betting that Elite 4 will not happen for some of the following reasons...

1) There are already a myriad of space trading games; the 'X' games and Eve online spring to mind. Elite 4 would have to compete with these recent games and I think that it's a lack of confidence that they could better.

2) Unfortunately most games these days have to be established franchises or movie tie ins to justify the development costs; GTA, FIFA, etc. Although Elite is well know by gamers 25+ it would just be regarded as another game by most and would have to be something extra special to get people to buy it. The cost of development for games now is very high and difficult with a smaller development company.

3) The failure of Elixir Studios who tried to create something special with 'Republic: Revolution' and the recent aquisition of Lionhead has shown that it's a very tough market for creative and innovative games studios. Well done to Frontier for producing 'Dog's Life', but I suspect the sales figures weren't great.

So, sadly Elite 4 won't happen.

On 10th July 2006, David Braben responded with:
Elite 4 absolutely has to be 'right' - and does indeed need to stand out from the perceived competition. Trebor, you are right to be sceptical; the game has to be outstanding to live up to expectations, and the three reasons you give have to be considered.

Nevertheless, I have never seen Elite as (just) a space trading game - it is way more than that - even though I realise this is how it has been classified since. What we plan to with Elite 4 is quite different, and much of what we are doing in Outsider will feed into that.
So I doubt if 30th March 2007 is realistic, but they're still thinking about it. Full thread here: Elite 4 thread


Not sure how that guy thinks there are a lot of space trading games about?
Eve with is a mmorpg so I wouldn't count it.
Freelancer which is very old
And X, which is very buggy (still a good game though).

Really hope elite does come out and add some life into this dying genre.
iirc the date stated was from a issue on read the forum rules (FAQ) where they got a bit overly excited about hearing that Elite 4 was in production, no real evedence that it will be finished ever sadly.
it really is a pity David Brabham (sp) doesnt pull his finger out and develop a decent elite follow up, it would probably be one of the few games that i would leave eve for
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The date that the games sites posted was September this year which Frontier basically said not likely. Also they have said in previous interviews somewhere that Elite 4 is in line for work to being after they finish one of their current games.

When we are likely to see released this is anyones guess though but the March date is a new date that i haven't seen listed before.

I remember reading up about it at the beginning of the year and was very unimpressed. The SS they had back then where like the original elite. Blocktastic. Maybe they have a new engine and the graphics are reasonable now. Lets hope so because the elite series ruled.
I dont really care about the graphics, he could just release it with an editor for the mod community and so long as the gameplay and physics is good it'd be a hit. elite will always be wireframe in my mind anyway.

I'd estimate anytime in the next 10 years for this to be released tbh
AcidHell2 said:
I remember reading up about it at the beginning of the year and was very unimpressed. The SS they had back then where like the original elite. Blocktastic. Maybe they have a new engine and the graphics are reasonable now. Lets hope so because the elite series ruled.

Any links ? I've not managed to come across any screenshots or graphical shots of the game at all, apart from the concept character (Ripley alike) that was released a while ago. I didnt think any such screenshots existed.

I'd also say that its a fairly big chance that Elite 4 will be a MMORPG.
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melchy said:
Any links ? I've not managed to come across any screenshots or graphical shots of the game at all, apart from the concept character (Ripley alike) that was released a while ago. I didnt think any such screenshots existed.

I'd also say that its a fairly big chance that Elite 4 will be a MMORPG.

nope, I was reading up about it ages ago, had a quick google and cant find much about it..

if its a MMORPG with fps style space fights. it would be awesome....
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