Elite IV: The next Encounter

silversurfer said:
I dont really care about the graphics, he could just release it with an editor for the mod community and so long as the gameplay and physics is good it'd be a hit. elite will always be wireframe in my mind anyway.

I'd estimate anytime in the next 10 years for this to be released tbh

Get your Physx cards ready ;)

that's a joke :p
Elite 4 has been touted by Braben's site for a few years now. I bet it turns into vapourware...

Not that I don't want it to be released, as I loved the Elite series but I just get the feeling I'll be eligible for a free bus pass before it comes out :D
I think it will be released. And I think the fact it's taking a long time to surface isn't that worrying.

The reason why is thus.

Braben makes a game which redefines what we expect. It's not another space sim, another fps, another anything.

The very concepts involved in the structure of the game are probably things he's defining and making real, things that aren't being done in games yet, or if they are, on a much lower scale.

Putting these systems together and forming EliteIV is a massive challenge. Take a look at Frontier, it implemented such incredible physics for the time. That's an example of why Braben will think up ideas that challenge and push the technology again.
frontier was great I can still remember my cobra mk3 from the lave system start position...the imperials or the federation...and some apparent secret ship you could get with the imperials which I cannot remember
You can't beat Frontier Elite 2

I bought X3 & it's a right mess, you just can't beat the originals
Elite 2 ! the best game ever I thinks... WOW just look at them graphics (that are more funcional than X3 lol)

I still play it today on an Amiga emulator & also have my save places from 9 years ago, still got my Panther Clipper and Imperial Trader (3 necell) ooh!
Using SYSINFO my old 040 got 40 MIPS & I now get err 681 MIPS on an emulator lol :D
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Thanks a lot, I'm probably going to be divorced as a result of this.

Downloaded Frontier:Elite 2 two nights ago and am thoroughly addicted. Must have a clipper and win battles by ramming ships!

You know what amazes me and always did when the game came out? The whole universe on a floppy disk!

How can such a cracking game only consume 474KB?
Id pay good money if braben just got some team to udate it with textured d3d graphics and made it run on xp natively!! nothing fancy just updated to use directx and stuff.
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