Email Forwarding

8 Apr 2003
Manchester, UK
Hi - hope someone can help me out of a hole.

I help to run the website for a local sport league and we recently changed hosting company.

With the previous company I had the ability to set up multiple email forwards so for example would be forwarded on to all of the captains at their own personal email addresses.

I've now discovered that the new hosting company will not let me do this and I can only forward to one email address at a time.

Is there any way I can set up something myself to create an email address that people will be able to use if they want to email all of the captains etc.

I've got Joomla set up on the website (not sure if there is some way to make use of it to reach the same ends).

Any help would be greatly appreciated!! :D
Hmm, interesting one. I think you'll just have to ask people to add that address to their e-mail clients, so they all pick up email from it - probably the simplest way :)
Beansprout said:
Hmm, interesting one. I think you'll just have to ask people to add that address to their e-mail clients, so they all pick up email from it - probably the simplest way :)

Unfortunately I don't think that's going to be an option, some people want their emails delivered to work, some have it sent to a hotmail address. Also these people are pretty lazy and are used to having the old system so would be unlikely to do anything "extra".
If forwarders can direct to scripts then you could have a script which receives the email and sends it out to each person. Might need to ask your host about that :)
Not ideal but you could set up a couple of rules in outlook so that if it receives a email to "captains" it forwards them onto xyz etc. Only problem is that you would need outlook on all the time.
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