Embarrassing childhood nicknames

12 May 2022
In the cloud
What did you're pals used to call you growing up?
I'll have to be totally honest here and admit I have a stammer. I used to get called Zippy as in the puppet from Rainbow
but i've learned to laugh along with it now as it's just a part of me, In my late teenage years I created a DJ name which everyone loved.
DJ Stutter Nutter.
Not a permanent nickname (thankfully!) but for a short time.

In the 80's, for some reason, i saw a jacket and just had to have it - thought it was the coolest thing ever. Mum was really trying to put me off, but no, had to have it. It wasn't just yellow, this thing was almost luminous. It also had loads of cords with wooden toggles - this thing was the stuff of nightmares when i look back.

Anyway, for several weeks, after wearing it for only one day at school, i was from then on known as, 'Bananaman'.
Lol only 1 I can remember was bungle, also because of Rainbow. Seems that show is responsible for more childhood anquish than good.

My first name is Jeffrey, so naturally Jeffrey and Bungle, I mean it's obvious right? Lol there was no homosexuel connertaion because we were young and didn't get that stuff yet. .....
Wiggy - When I was 8 My parents loved the more flamboyant hairstyles back in the late 70s/early 80’s
Psycho - Err, moving schools a lot meant I’d often get the tough kids putting me in my place in the first few days, I got cornered by 3 of them and decided it was me or them and went a little OTT.
Tungsten - When people realised I was actually a nice person and violence was a last resort, and after several bullying attempts on me that went wrong, we were doing physics one day and the teacher said Tungsten is a highly resilient metal so people started calling me that.

The funny thing is, I had the Jamiest of jam jar glasses and never got a nickname because of those.

It was funny because we had a school reunion and this very subject came up, and had a good chuckle over all the stupid nicknames we used and found out where the Tungsten one came from and who made that one up..
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Lol only 1 I can remember was bungle, also because of Rainbow. Seems that show is responsible for more childhood anquish than good.

My first name is Jeffrey, so naturally Jeffrey and Bungle, I mean it's obvious right? Lol there was no homosexuel connertaion because we were young and didn't get that stuff yet. .....
Mine was Bungle because I was taller than any other kid in primary school and slightly overweight for most of it so obviously I looked like Bungle the bear... although I honestly kind of miss being called Bungle now.

Then in secondary school there was a fight that spilled into the toilets. I jumped up onto the toilet rim to see the fight and the toilet came loose and broke on the floor and from then on I was known as Bog Breaker.
At school and beyond I was called "Rhino". (Thick skinned and always charging), as I was always thinking up some means of making money, often unsuccessfully, and sometimes dodgily ;) It was a posh school and some there had no sense of humour about my antics. But most already had a pocketful of cash, I didn't...

I had a friend that once told me that when the TV character of Arthur Daly appeared, he thought he might have been modelled on me. I was mortified at the time, to be honest, then saw the funny side. Daly was far better dressed ;)
Fat ****! and Apache Joe. I used to have long hair (NO, not a mullet!!)and was fairly well tanned as a kid. (part Italian)
My name is David Poole so because I was too small to be a Pool I was called Puddle which got shortened to Pud and nothing to do with my belly.
It's quite funny because I haven't been called Pud or Puddle since my childhood (60s to early 70s) but there's a new generation calling me Pud now because I formed a band with my oldest mate and his family, friends and band members now call me Pud.

I have a mate called Pud same age as me and he's had that nickname from about 7 years old.
He wouldn't tell me how he got it so I asked his brothers.
He nagged them to draw (pretend tattoo) Spiderman on his back and he showed it off proudly to everybody who would look at it.
It was actually a drawing of a Yorkshire Pudding :)
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I've got more than I can remember. The first, and worst, one was Pinky. Currently it's Terry (not my name).

The guy in our friendship group that handed out most of these names remains Drav, basically his real name (David). The other two have compltely different names. One named after their lookalike, and one a completely random other bloke from school who happened to share the same first name. It stuck, though.
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