Embarrassing childhood nicknames

I've got more than I can remember. The first, and worst, one was Pinky. Currently it's Terry (not my name).

The guy in our friendship group that handed out most of these names remains Drav, basically his real name (David). The other two have compltely different names. One named after their lookalike, and one a completely random other bloke from school who happened to share the same first name. It stuck, though.

My bass player makes up names for members that he uses on promotional stuff so I'm called Grumpy Dave which is suitable.
We've just had a new drummer who is 5ft 1ins and the first time since 1970 I haven't been the smallest member in a band.
I have no problem with the taunts over the years being called Jimmy Krankie or singing Follow The Yellow Brick Road etc but some people can be funny about it.
Geoff stood there on Wednesday and said "Paul I've got a band name for you - Poison Dwarf" :eek: I said "Geoff WTF?" so he came out with something else with dwarf in it. I said "Have you got tourettes?" and apologised to the drummer saying he doesn't think sometimes.
Also in the practise room (a pub) were people making stuff for the Jubilee and one of them is a dwarf from a dwarf family, I looked around at her and she was just laughing.
My bass player makes up names for members that he uses on promotional stuff so I'm called Grumpy Dave which is suitable.
We've just had a new drummer who is 5ft 1ins and the first time since 1970 I haven't been the smallest member in a band.
I have no problem with the taunts over the years being called Jimmy Krankie or singing Follow The Yellow Brick Road etc but some people can be funny about it.
Geoff stood there on Wednesday and said "Paul I've got a band name for you - Poison Dwarf" :eek: I said "Geoff WTF?" so he came out with something else with dwarf in it. I said "Have you got tourettes?" and apologised to the drummer saying he doesn't think sometimes.
Also in the practise room (a pub) were people making stuff for the Jubilee and one of them is a dwarf from a dwarf family, I looked around at her and she was just laughing.

Hahaha I had no idea you were so short. That is terrible. The poor dwarf!

Before I joined my current band on bass, there was this second who had nicknamed the lead (female) singer Donna Kebab, and the guitarist Ali Bongo. Neither went down well...
Not me, but a chap at a place I used to work at called Bill, was given the rather unfriendly nickname of Bungalow Bill, implying there was nothing upstairs.

They say kids can be cruel, I think some of them never grow up.

He was a nice, friendly guy as well.
I didn't have one but work with a guy who has the nickname "snipers nightmare".

He has a fused ankle and so when he walks he waddles from side to side.
Crispy or CrispyOtter for me... hence taking it as my username.

My friend Alan had a good one though... he wore a yellow and black striped t-shirt once when we were kids. We asked him which he preferred to be called, 'Bee' or 'Wasp'. He shrugged and said 'None'. So we have called him 'Sister Alan' for the last 25 years.
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