Emergency Savings

Surely your Electric and gas is free with the referrals! :p
I have not paid anything for the past 4 months, let's put it that way haha. Thanks OCUK :D and you hehe
I'm really curious, what are you eating for just £2 a day?
Last months shopping was £64.65
Not particularly healthy but
Frozen chips, broccoli, currys, rice, pasta, bananas, oranges, peach, carrots, chicken (frozen), cheese, potatos (I'm a big jacket tatty fan which is cheap), fish cakes, fish fingers, fish fillets (aldi essentials), peas, beans etc

2 chicken burgers 41p each
2 buns 20p each
handful of chips (1.5g bag for £1.50)
handful of broccoli
Like £1.50 or so around 1300 calories
snack later of something if I get peckish, fruit, nuts etc
Didn't say I ate 2k calories haha but it's enough, sometimes I do which obviously makes it more expensive but I try to keep calories overall down as I'm fasting currently since January (lost over 20 pounds so far)

2 jackets tatties, tin of beans with some cheese on top is even cheaper and very filling.

Some meals will be more expensive ofc but it evens out. Different calories needs and all that :) I'm quite simple when it comes to food I tend to stick to the same things

Not out of need, I have plenty money. But it's easy enough to manage.
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2 chicken burgers for 41p? Wtf

I was going to say.. If you have to you have to. But then I read you have plenty of money.
Each to their own, but seems off to me.
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I have not paid anything for the past 4 months, let's put it that way haha. Thanks OCUK :D and you hehe

Last months shopping was £64.65
Not particularly healthy but
Frozen chips, broccoli, currys, rice, pasta, bananas, oranges, peach, carrots, chicken (frozen), cheese, potatos (I'm a big jacket tatty fan which is cheap), fish cakes, fish fingers, fish fillets (aldi essentials), peas, beans etc

2 chicken burgers 41p each
2 buns 20p each
handful of chips (1.5g bag for £1.50)
handful of broccoli
Like £1.50 or so around 1300 calories
snack later of something if I get peckish, fruit, nuts etc
Didn't say I ate 2k calories haha but it's enough, sometimes I do which obviously makes it more expensive but I try to keep calories overall down as I'm fasting currently since January (lost over 20 pounds so far)

2 jackets tatties, tin of beans with some cheese on top is even cheaper and very filling.

Some meals will be more expensive ofc but it evens out. Different calories needs and all that :) I'm quite simple when it comes to food I tend to stick to the same things

Not out of need, I have plenty money. But it's easy enough to manage.
Yeah I respect that. I ate a loaf of bread and a kilo of peanut butter a week as lunch for about 5 years. I was broke tho tbf lol
2 chicken burgers for 41p? Wtf
Each. Iceland chicken burgers 24 for £10. 41.66P each
Iceland 8 (approx.) Hot and Spicy Chicken Breast Breasteaks
Always keep them available. Usually use the topcashback £2 cashback for a £5 or £10 spend that comes up each month on an Iceland voucher and use that so get them for £8 haha. Or asda if I have plenty in stock.
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a £10K safety net I'm always told is what I should have.

Not anywhere close to that now, but I could dip into funds to keep me afloat while I'd look for another job etc, not an ideal scenario,

but I'm not by myself with no support network if the worst happened, if that was my predicament I would go super minimalist for my lifestyle, and start saving like a mad man.
2 chicken burgers for 41p? Wtf

I was going to say.. If you have to you have to. But then I read you have plenty of money.
Each to their own, but seems off to me.
I'm not a foodie. food is just fuel, I don't really look forward to eating. I do have a big sweet tooth though. If chocolate is in the house it won't last the day :rolleyes:
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I'm not a foodie. food is just fuel, I don't really look forward to eating. I do have a big sweet tooth though. If chocolate is in the house it won't last the day :rolleyes:
Kind of similar to me.
I do cook some recipes. But they have to be dead simple. I like food. But man.. I hate cooking!
Wow. "Scrape by for a few years". Language that will never be compatible with my life. I'd struggle for a few months.

Since I started work 2 decades ago, I've pretty much never had the ability to ever stop work for any amount of time apart from one year where I got a redundancy pay out which would have seen me good for a few months if needed. Any savings which build up are almost always for something specific and therefore get spent on having a life. i.e. Holiday once every few years.
We spend easily over 3K a month just on living. This doesn't include buying Gucci belts either.

I used to live in debt, changed my ways many years back. I don't like being like that, perhaps I've gone too far the wrong way lol.
We don't live a lavish lifestyle, we don't holiday every year, but we do buy things we like, we don't go without everything.
I think our bills are around £1k pm + food and fuel. So probably looking at £1600pm
£1300 mortgage
£400 overpayment on mortgage
£220 average train fare costs over a month
£170 gas and elec
£212 council tax
£150 petrol
£66 water
£90 tv, internet, landline
£500 food
£113 car insurance (2 cars)
£35 car tax (2 cars)
£40 average monthly cost over a year for 2 cars to be maintained (MOT, servicing, tyres etc)
= £3296 (family of 6)

That's all before kids clubs/sports, mobile phones, going out, unplanned purchases bla bla bla, all the things I pay for annually and cba to remember/work out.
£1300 mortgage
£400 overpayment on mortgage
£220 average train fare costs over a month
£170 gas and elec
£212 council tax
£150 petrol
£66 water
£90 tv, internet, landline
£500 food
£113 car insurance (2 cars)
£35 car tax (2 cars)
£40 average monthly cost over a year for 2 cars to be maintained (MOT, servicing, tyres etc)
= £3296 (family of 6)

That's all before kids clubs/sports, mobile phones, going out, unplanned purchases bla bla bla, all the things I pay for annually and cba to remember/work out.

All your list looks "bigger" than mine. But the cost totals to 1.2k extra. Yet your council tax is same!
Our bills and average grocery and petrol spend over the last 12 months (2 adults, 2 kids). We're looking at moving so our mortgage is looking like it's going to jump up to anywhere between 1-1.4k (combination of a bigger house and higher rates).

If I could could eat like MatsyLR I'd likely have cleared the mortgage by now :D

If I could could eat like MatsyLR I'd likely have cleared the mortgage by now :D
Mad respects to him… I feel wheezy with the lack of food just by reading it.

I don’t tend to snack.. but I can eat a whole pack a jerky or pack of chicken drumsticks before a meal for protein intake.. well that’s what I say, but my scales say I’m just fat.. lol
I would just like to point out that the semi-colon is inappropriate. You should be using a colon to begin a list.

In answer to your question, I feel comfortable with a £10k emergency fund. We’d built one up before moving house 3 years ago, but with paying for IVF we couldn’t ever afford to build it back up again. Thankfully, I inherited some money recently and part of it has refilled our emergency fund. Thanks grandparents <3
We never really thought about it until kids but now we aim to have 9-12 months essentials as a cash buffer (mortgage / council tax / utilities / food etc. ). On top of that we’ve got income protection insurance and critical illness cover which feel like good hedges as well in case something untoward happened to either myself or my wife.

With our mortgage about to go up due to rate rises we’re definitely back to the 9 months buffer so will need to knuckle down on the savings front for a few months. I suspect overall we’re too cautious given both my wife and my job are pretty secure and have generous company redundancy pay but with childcare not factored into our cash savings i’d rather be cautious and fortunately we’re able to put the money aside.
Mortgage- £1650
Overpayment- £400
Food/house cleaning/cat food - £600
Council - £220
Internet - £45
Water - £66
0% loans on furniture - £140
Gas/electric - £150
Spotify - £16

Our phones, cars etc go out of our own accounts. This is 2 adults and 3 cats, no kids. We eat alright. Heat the house to 21c and work from home so commuting costs are low but some if it is offset by higher energy costs.
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It might be more than 300. It's not something I really track.
I've been tracking groceries costs for the last few years, it's by far my biggest variable outgoing. This year I've started tracking the cost of every item in the hope of reducing it. There's stuff that I buy that I "fancy" at the time and never get's eaten or I didn't enjoy it by the time I used it.
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