Emotionally detached

27 Jul 2005
Ok a few years ago I used get worked up over anything and take every little comment personally so since I started college ive been tryin to let go a bit more. But recently I I think ive become too emotionally detached like I don’t care about my college work any more or whether or not I see my mates for weeks on end ok being chilled out about somethings is ok but I dunno im failing my college course and where I used to loose sleep I really couldn’t be bothered. Im just kinda worried whats gonna happen
just needed to get it off my chest

now that im writing this i know im worried but at the same time i dont really care its weird :confused:
Spend_day said:
Ok a few years ago I used get worked up over anything and take every little comment personally so since I started college ive been tryin to let go a bit more. But recently I I think ive become too emotionally detached like I don’t care about my college work any more or whether or not I see my mates for weeks on end ok being chilled out about somethings is ok but I dunno im failing my college course and where I used to loose sleep I really couldn’t be bothered. Im just kinda worried whats gonna happen
just needed to get it off my chest

now that im writing this i know im worried but at the same time i dont really care its weird :confused:

I went through that mate. I failed my AS's first time because of it. I started them over and it didn't get any easier. 3 years later and I finally got to uni, but everyday of college was a struggle. Academically I was fine, but motivation wise - it just wasn't there.

My advice is, just stick to your guns and get it done, best for you in the end.
I really emotionally detached when it comes to death. I could give you an example but i dont need any of you to tell me its wrong.

I think we are all emotionally detached in some things in life, i believe a lot of people adopt the emotion they see as the norm.
Spend_day said:
yeah i dont think i can get the grades i need to get into uni so i might retake my course next year

I originally went to a college, but after I failed my AS's they kicked me out and I was let back into my old 6th form by the head. I struggled so badly with attendance but in the end I was one of a few who actually got half-decent grades, so they let me stay. It helps as the head of 6th form was my Geography teacher and i'm now doing Geography for a degree. I remember helping teach the others in my class when they went to do their resits.
Nix said:
I originally went to a college, but after I failed my AS's they kicked me out and I was let back into my old 6th form by the head. I struggled so badly with attendance but in the end I was one of a few who actually got half-decent grades, so they let me stay. It helps as the head of 6th form was my Geography teacher and i'm now doing Geography for a degree. I remember helping teach the others in my class when they went to do their resits.

over the last couple of moths my attendace has been terrible they'll let me backin college cause the head of my course says ive got the abilty just im too lazy lol
Make sure you're doing what feels right for you.

I flunked my GCSE's and got 6 D's and only 1 B.

Took a year retaking them at a private college and came out with a B for Maths, Biology and Physics and a C for English Lit.

Then did A levels at a local school 6th form and hated it, failed a treat. Total low point, got kicked out of there and tbh thought my learning career was over...

Then started an AVCE in ICT and the first year went ok, I enjoyed it but didn't feel totally motivated. When I scraped through with an E I knew I had to pull my socks up.

I'm now mid way through the second year and I'm on track to pass with a good grade (B or a C hopefully) and go on to do a Foundation Degree in ICT.

I know this won't sound helpful, but if you do fail your college course then it wasn't the course for you...

You may fall behind and may fail a few times but I think its finding what you're good at and like.
Same kinda with me, failed AS's retook them did better got great A2's and i'm doing fine now. Dont worry about it, just keep going and don't give up. I thank god i had the bestest teacher everer otherwise i would have failed A2 too.
Buy the Burberry now mate!

It's not "emotionally detatched", it's "can't be arsed".

I'm sure there are plenty on jobs "on the land" over your way.
Go to parties, get involved, chill out. I used to be pretty much detached from things until recently, went to a few parties, got a bit drunk, danced like a loon, made some friends and felt better about things. Now I'm back onto things, a lot sharper than I was.

Long walks late at night help too, if you feel the pressure on it's nice to be able to be alone. I walk almost everywhere so I get a lot of time to re-jig if I'm having trouble.
Errol said:
Yes, cronic laziness is always a problem. Work is rarely fun and the quicker you learn that the better.
Although money does come in handy.

Those vixens by street corners only accept Pounds Sterling dontchaknow?
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