empire total war info

13 Aug 2009
is there game sorted out yet with the patches or are there still a lot of problems ive been holding out on buying this game i hope its time to buy
Wow you can actually make peace now?? I've been waiting to go back and continue playing until they fixed that. It always seemed that if you got attacked or attacked someone you'd just be at war with them for the rest of the game even if you had them mostly annihilated.

Was playing as the prussians fairly peacefully and had the austrians as friendly as possible with me, good trade deal in place and had just managed to wangle an alliance with them. Things were going great then the next turn they declare war on me out of the blue. Things like that ruin the game =/
the game was rushed to be released early but it does look amazing and only probem i have with it is steam so you cant sell it and sometimes you cant play it if steam server is busy
Is 1.4 out yet? Completely missed that. Hope the battle AI is cured of the single 'get really close and charge' tactic.
The melee bug is back apparently. But it's not quite as bad as before. But a lot of the other significant bugs have been fixed.

From my experience the AI only charges you if it knows it'll lose in a stand up shoot out so pretty sensible if you ask me. Or it fires a few volleys and then closes in for some bayonet action, also a fair tactic.
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