employment advice

Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Why not just get in 15 mins early like normal people do and stop moaning?

You will soon kick yourself when you get sacked because of the lateness and from how it reads, attitude about the disciplinary procedure.

15 minutes? no one I know bothers being more than 5-10 minutes early unless their boss is a ****.

only account i have thought i would get some sound advice where i stood legally obviously i was wrong.

way i see it i am paid 9 till 5 i do that its a pathetic company to work for. Yes i no get another job, getting another job isn't easy at the min.

You got some sound advice, should be thankful you have a job and as time keeping is an issue thats been brought up its not really unrealistic to be there 5-10 minutes early - being booted up on the PC by 9 is a bit crappy but we don't know whats in your contract but if you aim to be a few minutes early its not an issue and not an unrealistic demand.
5 Dec 2006
only account i have thought i would get some sound advice where i stood legally obviously i was wrong.

way i see it i am paid 9 till 5 i do that its a pathetic company to work for. Yes i no get another job, getting another job isn't easy at the min.

Legally? Are you seriously willing to take legal proceedings just because your boss asked you to come in 2 minutes earlier?

Advice has been given. Either put your computer to sleep or do as you've been asked. That's all you can do really; unless you really want to sue your company, in which case seek a qualified solicitor who has experience with employment law. You shouldn't be looking for legal advice on an internet forum. :)

Edit: Your boss does sound like a **** without a doubt, but there's not much we can do :( .. I do understand the situation you're in and how it may be stressful, sorry if I sounded harsh.
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8 Apr 2009
only account i have thought i would get some sound advice where i stood legally obviously i was wrong.

way i see it i am paid 9 till 5 i do that its a pathetic company to work for. Yes i no get another job, getting another job isn't easy at the min.

So you created an account on a forum for a shop that sells PC hardware to ask for employment advice. Where do you go when you want PC hardware advice the job centre?
29 Jan 2008
Sounds like they're a bit too anal- better off looking elsewhere. If they're bothered about what time your PC boots up at vs what time you swipe in etc... when they know you're also juggling caring for a sick relative then they sound like a complete set of ****s

I'd just leave your PC turned on if they're funny about it - but realistically, if you're through the door and sat at your desk by 9:00 then I don't see the issue. If it takes 2 mins to start up and they have you logging in at 9:01 then you can essentially show that you were there on time...
29 Jan 2008
Legally? Are you seriously willing to take legal proceedings just because your boss asked you to come in 2 minutes earlier?

It seems more like he's worried that if he's shown as logged in at say 9:01 (despite having been at his desk prior to 9:00) that he could be sacked for being 'late' again.



9 May 2005
So you created an account on a forum for a shop that sells PC hardware to ask for employment advice. Where do you go when you want PC hardware advice the job centre?

lol what? whats it got to do with you why people sign up to this forum? so what if he signed up to ask employment advice?

sorry but this post annoyed me, you sound like a ****
30 Nov 2007
Bristol, UK
lol what? whats it got to do with you why people sign up to this forum? so what if he signed up to ask employment advice?

sorry but this post annoyed me, you sound like a ****

it was a sensible question in my view - someone wants "sound legal advice" and asks it on a public forum - sounds to me that the OP didnt like the advice.

I agree with most here - either get on with it and turn up 5 mins earlier or find another job - theres always someone out there that will turn up on time and do that job for you
7 Nov 2011
Did you expect to get different advice from the last time you asked the question?

You quite obviously didn't learn your lesson.

It does seem abit of a pain to have to get to work extra early to make sure you are logged in, however as stated before, there are PLENTY of unemployed people who would be willing to get to work 30 mins early just to have a job. Maybe you need to stop asking questions about how to get around your company policy, suck it up and get back to work.
30 Nov 2007
Bristol, UK
hardly helped your cause with the intro of

i am a bit of a poor timekeeper got a verbal and written warning, no complaints about that

so it sounds like you have the problem and not the company - they are probably fed up with it and trying to make sure you turn up on time or at least have enough evidence to sack you.

Set your alarm 10 mins early tomorrow and all will be ok
4 May 2011
Why should he be in the building if he's not being paid to be there?

Let me start this by saying that I am not in the ops position, I have an office type role, I can basically turn up whenever as long as the work gets done, so this isn't borne of me being in the same position as the op.

That said, I have been in similar positions in the past. Previously in a service desk role, we were officially paid from 9 onwards, but we would generally get there a few minutes early to start up the PC and get logged onto the phones before the desk opened. Nothing official, it was just what needed to happen, so we did it. After a time, someone decided that this left a gap where people could turn up to close to the hour and not be logged on till a few minutes past, so they decided to make it official. We were called into a meeting room and told that we were officially required to be there 15 minutes before the start of the shift. I asked if we would be compensated for the additional half a day per month that this worked out to and was told no, that it was our problem, so I pointed out that our contracts specifically stated working hours and if they were going to take that attitude, we could simply start turning up bang on the hour and that no calls would get answered until 5 past 9.

Now I know that if I hadn't had my service desk job, I would be agreeing with most of you that op should just deal with it, but when you are in a low paid, **** job, respect is one of the things that matters. To be treated badly, even if it is as simple as trying to extract 2 extra unpaid minutes a day from you under the threat of disciplinary action, is extremely gauling. I'm sure most of us have had to work through the **** layer of the corporate ladder, and when your there, such things are important to you. As much as anything else, while this one change might not be big, they can add up quickly in my experience until a **** job turns into a nightmare job.

To op: this comes down to how big a fight you are willing to make. They can fire you, the law can't stop that, and if you choose you can take them to tribunal. It will cost and this is by no means a clear cut case. It sounds like you are in the **** job stage of your career. Unless they are really taking the ****, the best advise is to accept it for what it is and do your best to move up the ladder, or move on, asap.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
^^ I don't think hes gonna get anywhere with an employment tribunal - sounds like they have more than enough grounds to justify firing him if it comes to it (they will almost certainly win).

He has 3 choices here really IMO, either carries on like he does and risks being fired, makes the effort to be a few minutes early or finds another job - I don't think it unreasonable of a company to ask you to try and be a few minutes early if yor have a history of poor time keeping, I do think it unreasonable if they expect people to be there ready to work half an hour before the start of their shift.
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
As long as he is sat at his desk by 9am I'd say he's on time - if his PC struggles to boot up etc.. or takes a few minutes longer isn't really relevant.

Employment law precedent disagrees with you, just as it does about (for example), the time needed to don required protective clothing or uniform being an exception to being 'prepared and ready to work' at your contracted time.
10 Jul 2011
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