Encoding Times

4 Jul 2006
Heya guys I just encoded a film trailer 720p (The Shooter) found here to time it and on this system not overclocked

AMD64 3500 Venice
2GB DDR400 Dual Channel

It took 2M 5s using ConvertxtoDVD and if anyone has this program I was wondering what times they get and list their system specs.

I do a fair bit of encoding and stuff doesnt usually take that long on my computer but with all the talk of the C2D processors I have been wondering on how much time might be saved on conversion processes.

Tests could be done on any system AMD/Celeron/P4 and C2D.
alphaomega16 said:
Doesnt really accound for different types of machine like memory whether it be DDR or DDR2 though.

Was hoping for a bit more specific stuff.

Says at the end of the CPU desc what chipset, ram type and speed its using
I like the look of this movie, nice choice

It took just over a minute to convert, the log says 'conversion completed in 1:11'

CPU usage ran about 60%, average fps was 54, average bitrate was 5621 kbits/s

Filesize of the .mov was 99.3 MB

CPU is a e6400 at 425x8 - 3.4ghz and memory is 360mhz cas 4 2T
Using the unregged version and simple adding the file and pressing convert,

It came out at 1m59s on my machine (listed in sig)
didnt utilise 2nd core at all though
i use convertxtodvd (reg. version)
on a p4 660? 3.6ghz prescott lga775 @4ghz
2gb ddr2 667mhz ram
Xp home
and normally a 2 hour film takes about 40-60mins
(on highest quality conversion) 2x+ conversion rate normally (avi - DVD)

hopefully my new quad core build will smash that (will find out on tuesday!)
First of all i wouldnt use any of those sub standard applications for encoding
CCE or main concept for me and as for times well that depends on your choice
of settings bitrate etc etc etc cant really make a table can one.
All i can say is on a 4300 @ 3.2 ghz with 1 gig of 6400 geil ram a 700mb xvid
to dvd with a bitrate of 4500 takes about 7 minutes using main concept.
Using main concept I get
Frame width/height = 720x544
Frame size avg = 160184 bits, min = 2592 bits, max = 1027504 bits
Bitrate avg = 4004605 bps, min = 505550 bps, max = 6000000 bps
Mquant avg = 4.49, min = 1, max = 56
Total size = 74705905 bytes
I:mquant= 3.33, X=172.57, d= 34.023, size= 44254, frames: 312
P:mquant= 4.01, X= 83.53, d= 37.377, size= 28344, frames: 933
B:mquant= 4.82, X= 38.32, d= 37.529, size= 13828, frames: 2486
::mquant= 4.49, X= 60.85, d= 37.198, size= 20003, frames: 3731
Total time: 77 seconds (00:01:17), time per frame: 0.021 seconds.
Avg slots/frame = 672.000; b/smp = 4.67; br = 224.000 kbps.

Convert complete
Duration: 149.21s
Time used: 76.83s
Ratio: 0.5

So it takes 1:17 and cpu usage was about 75%. It gave errors at first until I fiddled with some settings, changed a frame rate from 50 to 25

A second test showed 1:19 for mainconcept and convertx dropping to 1:08 (high quality)
I find winavi is the quickest at converting to dvd structure, always get over 200fps when converting and the average film takes just over 10 mins with main machine in sig.
I did try a 90 minute avi with main concept afterwards and it took about 10 mins
So its the .mov that is slowing it. Also it used both cores fully and temps were similar to orthos
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