Endless Problems With Vista!!!

5 May 2007
I've just about reached the end of my teather with Windows Vista. I've owned since March and ever since installation i've had numerous problems.
Just recently however, I get recurring BSODs saying Kernel Data/Stack Inpage Error. I've done numerous re-installations but even now it's starting to freeze during the installation. Files keep getting deleted or getting corrupted thus requiring repairing and on one occasion i couldn't repair at all and needed a full re-installation. What could be responsible? I've run a windows memory diagnostic check and there are no problems there. I have had my suspicions about my harddrive, Windows seems to get necessary files deleted.

E6600 2.4 gHz
Abit IN9 Wifi-32x Max
1GB Samsung 5300 DDR2
8800GTS 320mb
SevenTeam 550w PSU
320GB Seagate Barracuda 16mb SATA II

Please shed any light as to what component could be causing the problem, perhaps my Vista disk is busted? Thank you
you mention you've tested your memory. did you use memtest? that's more thorough than the vista diagnostic thingy. it found errors on my memory that the windows missed.

also you could try a diagnostic check of your hard drive. goto to the manufacturers website and they will have utilities you can download and use.

and i doubt it's your actual dvd that is the problem. try copying the files to disk on a working machine just to check. :)
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