Energy Drinks

theres some people who take 6 shots of espresso in their coffee in the morning every day in america / canada and they have not died yet.

It's the chronic obesity that kills them, not the caffeine

whilst a vodka red bull is not healthy, it probably isn't going to kill you.

It can and has killed a lot of people, it speeds up and slows down the heart very quickly
its pretty stupid to rely on these on a daily basis. i did the same when i was younger on pro plus.. at firast it helped to wake me up, but you start to build up a tollerance and your back to square one, only that your now i was needing tablets to be as tired as i was before i started.

best advice would be to just have one when your feeling abit sleepy and need a little kick

also 3 people died? from all of who drink it every day week in week out? vodka redbull is served in bars... theres no hard evidence and it could stem from them having a dodgy heart as it is. you have more chance of dying in a car crash so lets everyone not drive anymore?

annoys me to hell people comming up with "statistics" based on hear say and so little numbers comp[ared to the thousands that die of the everyday things we do. you cant wrap yourself up in cotton wool and live under the shadows otherwise there would be no point in living.
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Last time I had a Pro Plus, it worked, but not as intended, I attempted to swallow it, and threw up, needless to say I was awake for a while afterwards lol
You said Vodka Red Bull cause "a lot" of deaths?

Wikipedia isn't a reliable source.

Ok so a lot might have been an exaggeration. I didn't say read wikipedia, I said look at the sources at the bottom that it quotes.

Are you stalking me Tummy? you seem to post on every thread that I do lol
I don't drink them because it's "cool". I drink them because they serve their intended purpose while tasting quite nice.

but yeah sugar free versions are a good call and what i drink now when i can. e.g relentless recently brought out a sugar free version which is perfect

I wouldn't have thought that you would need energy drinks, given that you would be eating and sleeping properly as part of your training regime? :confused:

The 'cool' comment wasn't aimed at anyone in particular.
I eat properly but i don't always sleep properly. A combination of a **** ton of uni work and housemates who think having band practise at 3am is acceptable leaves me very very tired some days. And i'm just generally a very light sleeper at the best of times
If i have to have one of these to perk me up, I make sure it's just one per day.

Any kind of sugary fizzy drink is bad for you if you have too many. On the whole, I think sugar free is probably better for you long term than the large amount of sugar although you have to weigh up the risk of tooth decay with some sweeteners' suspected links to cancer. :o
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