Enermax CS-718 case - what you think i shoudl do to it ?

22 Sep 2005
just recieved my Enermax case. its the version with the full pannels... no meshed pannels etc

i dont want to cut any holes in it as its going to be a high end air cooling case so not really much to gander at inside.

ive thougth of 3 paint schemes i can go for. but first of all im gonna choose the general colour. those of you weho have seen my previous work will knwo where this ones going ;)

1: Green - black theme
2: Red - black theme
3: Blue - black theme

it will be murals painted in greyscale coated over wiith one of the above colours.
the casse comes standard with blue fans etc. which may be easier :P
Have you considered orange? Similar to your sig colour! Would be bright and contrast well with the black! Plus i haven't seen it used that often! :)

Out of your three choices i'd probably go for red - i know you've done 90% of your work in that colour but maybe that's why! It looks awesome! :cool:

Can't wait to see your progress as you post it!

few votes for red then.

i can do orange too. that woukld look SWEET ! orange is harder to do though because its basically red... so its a fine ballance gede of orange. but by no means impossible :P

Hey RB,

If anyone can do orange i'm sure you can! ;)

I think it would look amazing! :cool:

Don't want you to give anything away until you start posting pics but what are the murals gonna look like?

gt_junkie said:
Don't want you to give anything away until you start posting pics but what are the murals gonna look like?


scary !
[/ghost impression]

lol i might just make it up as i go along., copy a few sketches out my sketch books etc.

I think Orange and Black or Blue and Black. As you say a lot of stuff you've done involves red, but it's also a comonly used contrast, blue/organge aren't used as much with black and work well with it, green on the otherhand is used even less but doesn't always work too well, only some shades work well with black.

I liked your other projects so this one should be cool. :)

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