Engineer repair points on Battlefield 2

19 Jul 2006
Does anyone have any tips on how to get repair points?

Im trying to get veteran engineer (10 repair points in a round) but I am finding it really hard to get them.

Thanks, Steve :)
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Best thing to do as an engineer is stay out of the firefights, you will almost certainly get killed ALL the time. Wait until you see a tank, humvee or base that needs repairs and service it.

The easiest points to farm have to be as a medic, get mixed up in the action and just keep reviving people, dropping medic packs around etc....

Something I am doing a lot lately which will probably drive many people insane is using claymores :D I've recently discovered that I am quite a good sniper and these clays have gone from being a major pet hate of mine to somewhat of a favourite, I still curse when I get killed by one though :p

That's one thing that annoys me on bf2 . You have to purposley whore point to unlock anything.

Engineer and assault is. imposable to get extra points.

Where medic you can easily get 100+ points a match. But that's boring. DdDef an imbalance which should have been sorted years ago.
You will need to be on a Crap team playing against a good team so get on one of those one sided clan servers and you will have it in One round.

Just incase you missed it :mad:

Previous content removed as i Object to Padders & Padding.
Do it the right way or not at all.
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Under the carrier, with a boat. Wonder how you did that :rolleyes:

That badge isn't even really that hard to get tbh. You surley didn't need to stats pad to do that, hell it makes it a lot less fun if you pad, where's the challenge to get it? all you did was sit in an upside down boat holding the left mouse button.

You can also get your stats reset for that. Just so you know.
I'm Totally with Siders here as i know like me he plays the game Properly.
If i had known you were a weak padder then i wouldn't have bothered posting.
malc30 said:
I'm Totally with Siders here as i know like me he plays the game Properly.
If i had known you were a weak padder then i wouldn't have bothered posting.

not a great deal of difference to getting on a one sided clan server though as per your suggestion is it? As long as people have fun playing does it really matter? I don't stat pad myself, but then I have only played a couple of games of BF2 got totally anhialated by people that had played for hundreds of hours and had all the weapons so have not gone back...maybe time to stat pad then :D
You haven't read my post properly or are just unable to understand English.

When i posted go on a one sided clan server it was to play on the LOSING side.
Read my posts Properly Before you try to correct me as it's Most annoying.
malc30 said:
You will need to be on a Crap team playing against a good team so get on one of those one sided clan servers and you will have it in One round.

Just incase you missed it :mad:
malc30 said:
You haven't read my post properly or are just unable to understand English.

When i posted go on a one sided clan server it was to play on the LOSING side.
Read my posts Properly Before you try to correct me as it's Most annoying.

I think I have a pretty good command of English, as I am educated to masters degree level. I was not correcting you, I was pointing out that playing on the losing side when you know beforehand that it will be the losing side just to get loads of repair points is not vastly different to what Steve did to get his award.

I wish my life was so stress free that posts on the Internet annoyed me so much :D
AcidHell2 said:
That's one thing that annoys me on bf2 . You have to purposley whore point to unlock anything.

I refuse to do that, if I get a badge or anything its just something to note. An extra to an enjoyable game. It sucks the life out of the game to purposely sit their for the sake of getting enough points in something.
The whole ranking system has as many negatives as it does positives. Its the main reason we cant play custom maps on bf2, no one is interested in anything that doesnt gain them points.
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