Engineers in Business Competition: Vote for Breadcrumb!

28 Jun 2016
Hi all,
I'm pleased to announce that my group, Breadcumb, has reach the grand final in the Engineers In Business Competition.As part of this there is a public vote on all the finalists and I would like to appeal to you all for support.
We've worked pretty hard on this and your votes would be greatly appreicated (though I'm sure the other teams would appreciate the free advertising if you think they're more worthy! :p)

Our video, along with the other 9 finalists, is shown on the voting page. Voting is just a simple button click (and yes it does forget you've voted when you close your browser...).

Thank you for your time.
I can cheat for you and set a macro going where it automatically launches a browser, clicks the button and closes it again and then repeats?

How about that for a win? Except I would hope it knows the ip address it comes from? I’ve also got a solution for that as well.... it’s called TOR.

This is why public votes on the internet are pointless, stupid, and ill-considered.

These competition organisers never learn.

It's purely an exercise in social engineering, not a validation of how good (or otherwise) your work was. Is that what you (or they) want?

We completely agree with you and have the same concerns regarding the implementation of the vote system.
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