Three of those were tap-ins against a defence that fell apart! Sorry, but they really aren't a good sign of his ability. I'd much rather judge that after a concerted campaign than what could possibly be a fluke.
Again, as I said, woo big deal, he got a good goals-to-games ratio in the Championship. So tell me why Capello shouldn't call up Whittingham and Maynard? Or is it because you haven't seen them on Sky yet so you can't pretend you're an expert on them?
The rest of your post basically amounts to telling me how we should pick him because he's scored four goals in three games. WOW FOUR GOALS IN THREE ****ING GAMES! AWESOME!!! SIGN HIM UP NOW HE IS CLEARLY THE ANSWER TO ALL OUR PROBLEMS.
You know who else has scored four goals in three games? Theo Walcott? I'm sure you want him in the team just as much too ri...
Oh yeah course.
Sylvan Ebanks-Blake has a bloody good record in the Championship, and has managed a couple of goals this season. Why don't we call him up? DJ Campbell? Kevin Phillips?
SO you're just going to ignore the fact that YOU compared him to Heskey, and ignore the fact that despite the entire world thinking Heskey was crap, Capello picked him because he LOVES the big guy little guy setup?
I didn't say that Carroll WOULD be brilliant, I said he COULD be decent, Ebans-Blake has been in the premiership a lot longer than Carroll and done a LOT less, he scored a lot in the championship and his record in the premiership has been woeful. The fact is Carrolls FORM and remember you brought up form, is scoring well last season, and scoring well so far this season, thats good form, nothing more or less to take from that. Ebans-blake scored very poorly last season and has one maybe this season, please tell me where his fantastic form suggests he should get a chance.
Also please explain how Ebans blake might suit Capello's big man little man setup that he hasn't shut up about for 2 years which pretty much indicates its his prefered system.
I haven't seen the other guys you mentioned play, please show me where I claimed Carroll was the worlds best striker, or where I claimed to be an expert. Maybe if you READ WHAT I SAID, rather than added your own interpretations, I suggested his form might make him worth a punt, and so far since his step up in the premiership he hasn't fallen apart like Ebans-blake, who failed to score a hattrick against any crap teams so far, or like one of the other 50 strikers who can score well in the championship but utterly dissappear in the premiership.
This back and forth mostly started because someone suggested Carrol was worth a shot on form and you said, what form, then when people pointed out his form, you decided it doesn't count for various reasons.
I mean people talk about Rooney's poor form, not scoring at the end of last season, for England or the start of the league, form doesn't stop at the end of the last season and start again on the first day of a new season. His form is that he's been scoring goals, theres nothing more complicated than that involved here and I have no idea why you're decided to try and argue that he's not in form, nothing counts and he's not worth a shot.
He's scored 4, but that doesn't matter as they weren't hard to score goals, yet, others haven't scored even tap ins, so surely that indicates he's still in better form right now?
Cynical me suggests you're simply nitpicking and randomly making up ridiculous arguments because, hmmm, lets see, I posted it.
I do love that you dragged the argument over how good Carroll is to the "you haven't seen two strikers in the championship play, so your opinion is null and void, ha I win".
Defoe's look awful so far, so has Crouch, so has Rooney, Bent's knocking them in, Carroll's knocking them in, the question was why isn't an inform striker, who would also appear to fit Capello's tactical setup for the team(little and large) be completely ignored. Didn't we spend the last two years completely ignoring the form of the player and using guys like Heskey, off form Gerrard, Rooney, Theo, SWP, Barry and got nothing from it?
THen theres the last and most important thing Carroll brings, the vast majority of Euro and World cup winners have had at least one long haired player in the team, Puyol, Ronaldinho, all the Italian sides of the past............
Anyway, the large part of your post was ridiculous, NONE of my post suggested we should play Carroll just because he scored 4 goals this season, and Theo's FORM across more than 2 games, is dreadful, his form last year was dreadful, and in preseason was dreadful, and for 89 minutes of the games he scored in, he was dreadful. Carroll was effective last year, and has been effective for large parts of the game this year aswell.