English and Scottish get drunk most than any other countries in 25-nation survey

the report says 0..7% seeked emergency medical attention for cannabis
I thought that was only in movies

only 14% of drunk people ended in a sexual encounter they regretted
3% thought they had been taken advantage of

strangely cocaine and cannabis are seen as the most over valued drug

the full data is here https://www.globaldrugsurvey.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/GDS2020-Executive-Summary.pdf

it's basically on a website non drug users will even find to take the survey though? so seems kinda pointless?

the amount of people who didn't drink alcohol in the last 12 months was something like 15%

by population I bet it's much higher surely?
Russians probably drink more because they have more toasts with meals.

That doesn't get them legless staggering around the town centre at 2am though on a Saturday night.
In my experience, countries like Russia and the ex-soviet states drink a lot, but they do so with food, toasts, and good nature. Whilst here, (and more so Brits abroad) it seems to be a mission to get as much booze down you as quickly as possible and then turn into a gob-poo.

Go to parts of Europe or the US and see drunk people stumbling around during the day. That isnt something you see much of in the UK.

Where do you live? Glasgow city centre is like a scene from the walking dead. Even pre Covid!
In my experience, countries like Russia and the ex-soviet states drink a lot, but they do so with food, toasts, and good nature. Whilst here, (and more so Brits abroad) it seems to be a mission to get as much booze down you as quickly as possible and then turn into a gob-poo.
I don't think shot girls and ridiculous drink offers are as encouraged in areas where British people don't go en mass
Heavy drinking is associated with northern europeans (I'd include us). So the comparison for us would be Norway, Sweden and Finland.

Brits tend to over indulge with alcohol. I've never understood why people want to drink so much that they are left in a compromising position. Maybe I'm a control freak, but I don't want to be at the mercy of strangers and end up being robbed or worse.
This is just The Guardian finding a survey that it knows it's readers will love, because it's confirming their bias that people in the UK are bad in some way.

Hehe, if you believed the grauniad, you'd think we lived in a cross between 30 years war era Germany and world war 2 era Germany.

Which would put their reporters in something of a quandary...
Hehe, if you believed the grauniad, you'd think we lived in a cross between 30 years war era Germany and world war 2 era Germany.

Which would put their reporters in something of a quandary...

Anyone who doesnt agree with the Guardian is of course a full on Nazi.
Go to parts of Europe or the US and see drunk people stumbling around during the day. That isnt something you see much of in the UK.

You will if you come to Stoke on Trent :) Stumbling around under the influence of some drug, anyway.

The Guardian cherry-picked an unreliable self-reporting study to create interpretations that match what the Guardian wants, even though it contradicted itself in the process when it declared that the number of people in the UK who regretted being drunk was too low and too high in consecutive sentences. Nothing new there.
Different countries have different ways of dealing with Alchohol. France, Italy etc from a younger age kids are introduced to it, but it's very much part of the social family gathering with food.

There's only one country in Europe I've been to with fights in the street on Friday night / evening with women sitting in doorways throwing up, wearing next to nothing or "lets go out and get plastered". It just doesn't happen to the same degree anywhere else.

In Germany it's legal to drink in the streets, people will gather in the park a bring a whole crate of beer with an open bbq in the summer. Never any problems. I've been on a train at 8.30am with a guy drinking wine direct from a wine bottle, no one bats an eyelid. People here drink a lot, but I don't see the same degree of people getting violent because of it. People get happy drunk. Very different culture and makes life much nicer that's for sure. There are more drunks around just wondering shouting, but they don't cause problems..generally.

As people have said, hopefully the younger generation change habits. It's a stain on the UK's reputation and trust me (if you care) from someone who travels and lives in Europe, it is noticed a LOT.
Different countries have different ways of dealing with Alchohol. France, Italy etc from a younger age kids are introduced to it, but it's very much part of the social family gathering with food.

There's only one country in Europe I've been to with fights in the street on Friday night / evening with women sitting in doorways throwing up, wearing next to nothing or "lets go out and get plastered". It just doesn't happen to the same degree anywhere else.

In Germany it's legal to drink in the streets, people will gather in the park a bring a whole crate of beer with an open bbq in the summer. Never any problems. I've been on a train at 8.30am with a guy drinking wine direct from a wine bottle, no one bats an eyelid. People here drink a lot, but I don't see the same degree of people getting violent because of it. People get happy drunk. Very different culture and makes life much nicer that's for sure. There are more drunks around just wondering shouting, but they don't cause problems..generally.

As people have said, hopefully the younger generation change habits. It's a stain on the UK's reputation and trust me (if you care) from someone who travels and lives in Europe, it is noticed a LOT.
Hear hear! The UK town and city centres on weekends and bank holidays are an absolute battleground. Europeans have for many years made jokes about the UK and its very apparent drinking and associated behaviour problems. It's not defined class or wealth, it's endemic pretty much throughout society.
Also what is nation's definition of drunk? :p

Problem is we have a lot of people who get stupid after a few spoonfulls. It's chavs thinking they are drunk.
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Hear hear! The UK town and city centres on weekends and bank holidays are an absolute battleground. Europeans have for many years made jokes about the UK and its very apparent drinking and associated behaviour problems. It's not defined class or wealth, it's endemic pretty much throughout society.

Can’t argue with that, I think that it may stem, (for older people), from the restrictive licensing hours that were imposed in the past.
Now pubs can be open, (Covid allowing), from 11.00 a.m. to 11.00 p.m. or later, but in the past it was 6.30 p.m. to 10.00 or 10.30 p.m.
Consequently, as closing time approached, you’d throw as much laughing water down your neck as you could manage, whereas in France, Spain, or Portugal, where drinking hours were sensible, you could take it easy, there was always the time to buy another drink if you wanted one.
At my elder son’s wedding in Germany, his German wife’s mother told me that when her daughter first brought my son home to them, they were mildly concerned, they’d seen British squaddies rolling around in the streets of their town, “”””ing in the street and singing.
He was different she said, he liked a few beers, but knew when to stop, and they’d never seen him drunk.
He’s lived there for 30 plus years now, and they still love him.
That’s one Brit not letting the side down!
It's because this country is so God damn boring. Our country side is flat and plain in most cases. Our weather is rubbish and miserable, we don't have facilities for anything interesting. I mean British life is restuarant, cinema, pub, bowling alley.. Its awful, would make anyone want to drink themselves into an early grave.
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