Enhanced Steam - a Must for Every OCUKer


Shocking, just shocking.
Is this safe to use? I haven't really investigated it, but the idea of a 3rd-party site having access to my transaction history rings a small alarm bell, surely?
Just clicked on *wasted on steam* link and it breaks down stats for games played etc - rather cool one is the cost per hour - easy enough to work out yourself (did it for diablo 3) but hand to be able to look at the list and see what your getting for your money :) (even shows you what your library is worth - estimation)

Oh and £12.48 is my store transactions

Wheres the link for this bud?
Has this suddenly stopped working for people? I used it as late as Friday but today I can't see any of the alternative prices for games.

edit: Actually, it seems to only be for the Wolfenstein games :confused:
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