Glad you guys are liking this, at the moment freesync monitors are outselling G-SYNC for us, which is very unusual but I guess its simply because you generally get a lot more monitor for your money and this deal is superb.

I used to turn my nose up a bit at the 2560x1080 panels, but after actually playing games on them I can see their appeal, they are superb for gaming, 1080 height works so well, particular in FPS, Driving, Space, Flight simulator type games. My guess is a lot more gamers are realising this and is why these panels are selling so well, also the demands on the graphics display is not to great and as such a 570/580 can easily power 2560x1080 resolution. :)
I have to say PUBG and BF1 look awesome, the graphics are amazing, for browsing I just put mine in cinema mode and it works well.
As previously stated, I bought mine a couple weeks ago - still loving it. Only a small number of games requiring any significant tweaking to get 21:9 support, and so far only 1 which flat out doesn't support it. 95% of everything I do is improved for this monitor, and I'm still not at all wanting for a higher resolution - my last monitor was a 27" 1080p monitor so I knew I was good with the DPI.

I would like an affordable freesync solution for high refresh gaming that is an upgrade from my 1500mhz GTX970 though ... Gibbo, any news on Vega UK pricing? I'm seeing some truly heartbreaking rumours floating around that would push me towards a gtx1080 and continuing to hope that Nvidia do a 180 and support the open standard, as opposed to the cash-grab model that they're. .... yeah, who am I kidding; that ain't happening.
I have purchased this :D:D! Cannot wait to get it up and running with my new liquid cooled 1080!

Just to add I cannot find any g-sync ultrawide monitors anywhere near the price of this!

I'm going to get a 4K monitor as my 2nd monitor next :D
These be perfect with VEGA, cough cough! :D

Vega 56 and LG 34UC79G-B for the best bang for the buck ultrawide high-refresh experience out there? I've already got the 2nd half of the equation, just hoping to cash in on the former.

Only 30 mins left till launch, right? Does that mean they go live for sale too at this time, or is it simple the release of the NDA for reviewers?
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