Epic Movie

25 Aug 2005

This was easily the worst movie ever. All the jokes were really obvious, except the random ones which had no relevance what so ever to anything. Just put in for the sake of a pop culture reference :/

just thought i'd warn you

i only went to see this movie cause i had agreed to goto the pics with friends, what a waste of 1.5 hours and £6

the only good part of the film was eagles of death metal

best bit of the night was watching my friend trying to get into a locked petrol station(where you have to pay at window) for 5 minutes, had everyone in the car in stitches

I think if any of my 'friends' suggested going to see this i would quite simply slap them upside the head and remove myself from their company immediately.

Thats why I don't go to the movies with my housemates. I got screamed at last year because I refused to pay money to go see date movie. I walked out of the cinema and drove home.

Apparently half of our group walked out and went bowling it was that bad. Only the screaming housemate enjoyed it and wants us to go to see Epic Movie. No takers this time.

I prefer my course mates, much more in tune with life than the retards I live with.
Scam said:
I think if any of my 'friends' suggested going to see this i would quite simply slap them upside the head and remove myself from their company immediately.

it wasnt really a suggestion, there wasnt anything else on at that time and it was 2 birthdays today, why couldnt it have been valentines day for hot fuzz
went to watch this the other day with my younger sister, gf and her younger sister...must admit it is a bit stupid...i giggled a couple of times but glad i didnt really have to pay for it lol
Well, 2 days ago, my mates were telling me to come and see it. I have read all about it, so said I'm not interested, thank god I didnt go waste 8 quid :p
sja360 said:
jeeze is it that bad? :(
i was hoping for something good along the lines of scary movie style funny :D

scary movie stopped being funny after scary movie 2
only reson they were any good was because they actually parodied scary movies, now all it is is random clips from big films being parodied
Protoman said:
best bit of the night was watching my friend trying to get into a locked petrol station(where you have to pay at window) for 5 minutes, had everyone in the car in stitches

It sure was 5 minutes like :rolleyes:
If it's anything like Date Movie there'll be about 3 seconds that's absolutely hilarious and the rest will be mind numbingly boring.
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