Epic vs steam - have your thoughts changed?

9 Dec 2006
Over past year a bit I have started to use epic store more and more now have 50± games on there with around 400 on steam
Epic store thoughts
Easier to find games
Cheaper for most part
Instant critic scores open critic
Cleaner dlc add on buttons

It certainly lacks community / friends support but I don't use those anymore.
Epic taking bit longer to load,
Setting section is bit meh from user experience
Quick launch could do with work

What's your thoughts now?
Not at all.

I dislike the Epic Games exclusivity deals but also accepted at the time that if it wasn't Epic, somebody else would be doing it. We need Epic and GoG, honestly I wouldn't mind another big hitter entering the market to go up against Epic and Steam.

I will still only buy certain games from Steam if I have part of the series on there (for example Final Fantasy).
I despise the fact I've got to have any kind of launcher installed.
I have to put up with epic, steam, ubisoft and origin.
Oh and that pointless xbox/Windows app too.

They can all get in the sea.
Never installed Epic launcher and unless they end up with a must play exclusive game that I want to play, I likely never will. Happy to wait for timed exclusive games to come to Steam, usually I just wait a bit longer and get it much cheaper anyway. I am happy they exist as competition is good, but I will be sticking with Steam as I like all my games in one place.
Never installed Epic launcher and unless they end up with a must play exclusive game that I want to play, I likely never will. Happy to wait for timed exclusive games to come to Steam, usually I just wait a bit longer and get it much cheaper anyway. I am happy they exist as competition is good, but I will be sticking with Steam as I like all my games in one place.
Is it competition if they're paying for exclusives?
Never installed Epic launcher and unless they end up with a must play exclusive game that I want to play, I likely never will. Happy to wait for timed exclusive games to come to Steam, usually I just wait a bit longer and get it much cheaper anyway. I am happy they exist as competition is good, but I will be sticking with Steam as I like all my games in one place.

Both have there benefits ! I generally only use steam now for the community forums . Games are well over priced ! Epic a lot cheaper And FREE Games at Christmas. Will always continue to use both - Bit like Facebook and Instagram we will always end up using them both forever.
No, my opinion hasn't changed. If a game is an Epic exclusive i just wont buy it. Dont agree with them, don't agree with their business practices. I vote with my wallet and that's it. I have games on steam, gog, game pass, uplay and origin, so entirely not fussed about what platform a game is on as long as it's not Epic.
No, my opinion hasn't changed. If a game is an Epic exclusive i just wont buy it. Dont agree with them, don't agree with their business practices. I vote with my wallet and that's it. I have games on steam, gog, game pass, uplay and origin, so entirely not fussed about what platform a game is on as long as it's not Epic.

It’s not like steams business practices are any better. Never understand people preferring any of these platforms.
It's just a bare bones store/launcher. Can't really compare them really. Only reason it has any traction is the exclusive deals

Steam stuff I use
- game organisation
- workshop
- discussion
- guides / community stuff
- reviews
- single launcher so it's easier to find what game I have
I don't think my view has changed.

I don't care about how many clients of this type there are on my machine, however the main ones I use are still Steam and GoG, though the free games on Epic are most welcome.
If Epic want to fund games or even fund ports of games that would otherwise not come out on PC I can get behind them being EGS exclusive. I also have no probs buying games from them if they are cheaper than alternatives such as Guardians of the Galaxy with the 10 quid voucher. Totally against paying for timed exclusives though and I would rather wait it out :)
It's just a bare bones store/launcher. Can't really compare them really. Only reason it has any traction is the exclusive deals

Steam stuff I use
- game organisation
- workshop
- discussion
- guides / community stuff
- reviews
- single launcher so it's easier to find what game I have

you can compare them, they are both store fronts.

to reply to your list
- game organisation - neither did steam to recently
- workshop - neither did steam till around 5 years ago
- discussion - agree
- guides / community stuff - neither did steam still few years ago
- review - EGS has open critic Ratings & link to opencritic site on every page - https://opencritic.com/game/1055/rocket-league agree no user reviews though

i see the EGS store as steam at the beginning of its life. bare bones, thats fine it took steam 10+ years to get where it is today.

steam needs a massive overhaul in visual and coding department.

EGS 3 processes 1 parent - 150MB
Steam - 9 processes no parent - 380MB

not saying EGS is perfecent by any means, but EGS has lot of years to catch up to feature set/bloat that steam has. I hope they dont add half the stuff you listed though

these are pointless on steam platform: most of the guides/discussions are terrible
- discussion - agree
- guides / community stuff - neither did steam still few years ago
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