Not exactly Lord of the Rings but that looks damn good. A proper Christmas film for entertaining the kids, or in my case, a great big kid - me. :)
i'd heard a bit about this a while ago (never read the book) and it sounded good.

then i saw the trailer the other week and just thought it looked awkward and weak. cgi dragon overkill toward the end of the trailer just totally put me off.

probably because i'm a massive lotr fan but there ya go.
chrisd said:
I'm not sure whether that's a genuine question or you're just being pedantic.

genuine question. I dont remember lotr having dragons in it and as far as i can tell from the trailers, the film (book) seems to concentrate on a dragon, please correct me if im wrong though as ive only seen the trailer.
Phoenix211 said:
genuine question. I dont remember lotr having dragons in it and as far as i can tell from the trailers, the film (book) seems to concentrate on a dragon, please correct me if im wrong though as ive only seen the trailer.

I'm not referring to dragons. Whilst I appreciate that most fantasy books written since TLOTR will borrow from it, this book seems particularly uninspired. Not only are some names directly copied from Tolkien but many themes are. It's also a very slow book, which sticks to well established fantasy book principles.

Without J K Rowling making fantasy a mainstream success, doubtless this book would have gone unnoticed.
Perhaps but that doesn't mean it doesn't have positive aspects just because fantasy is now mainstream. I think the story's pretty solid will have to see about the film - initially it looks ok
chrisd said:
I'm not referring to dragons. Whilst I appreciate that most fantasy books written since TLOTR will borrow from it, this book seems particularly uninspired. Not only are some names directly copied from Tolkien but many themes are. It's also a very slow book, which sticks to well established fantasy book principles.

Without J K Rowling making fantasy a mainstream success, doubtless this book would have gone unnoticed.
also lotr has dragons
Speaking of Dragons - I think Saphria looks well done in the movie. This poster nice. I like it.

Saw the first trailer for this and thought it looked a bit like a high budget TV series rather than a big budget film. Everything and everyone looked too clean and well kept, which totally disagreed with the surroundings.

Might be worth a watch though, will have to see what the reviews say.

valve90210 said:
Saw the first trailer for this and thought it looked a bit like a high budget TV series rather than a big budget film. Everything and everyone looked too clean and well kept, which totally disagreed with the surroundings.

Might be worth a watch though, will have to see what the reviews say.


Have you seen the the other trailers? They are much better and look really big budget

+ I got a few pictures which I quite like,




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