bledd. said:
really/very gay

Ah right.
So basically it's in good taste, is fashionable and will probably make a good companion for a night out.
And above all it knows how to keep a guy entertained for an evening.

Think I'll go see it in that case.
The trailers on telly at the moment make it look like a bad kids tv show in my opinion.

I actually agree with the 'Hella gay' comment in relation to a load of likely elf types marching (mincing) about in black leather chest pieces on the trailer. It certainly made me giggle anyway :)
i am interested in seeing this. read the book ages ago then went to see borat and this trailer came on, i was thinking this sounds/looks like that book i read, and of course it was. i barely remember the book now, wasn't bad for a kid to write though.
Jonathan ross totally slated it on Film2006 last night, he said it made no sense. and was frankly just poo
Hedge said:
Jonathan ross totally slated it on Film2006 last night, he said it made no sense. and was frankly just poo

This is the same guy who said "V" sucked and was one of the worst films ever made.
There are plenty around who would disagree with that.
Phoenix211 said:
a firework
actually there are actual dragons in the stories and u could quite easyily call a fellbeast a dragon as far as looks go, in the end of the day, the things that nazguls fly on are basically dragons without fire
stoofa said:
Ah right.
So basically it's in good taste, is fashionable and will probably make a good companion for a night out.
And above all it knows how to keep a guy entertained for an evening.

Think I'll go see it in that case.

i just coughed up my spleen :o
Sorry to bump this, but it's just out on DVD/Blu-Ray so thought I would append a couple of quick thoughts.

Blu-Ray disc picture and sound - superb.

As regards the story, not bad though I actually thought it very derivative of Star Wars, almost verging on plagarism.

[Spoiler Alert]

At the beginning you have an orphaned lad who is living with his uncle, who gets killed off by the servants (read stormtroopers) of the evil lord (John Malkovich's character) only briefly glimpsed, like the emperor in SW. He also has a lieutenant - Robert Carlyle -to do his dirty work (read Darth Vader). At an early stage in the story, our young hero meets a charismatic older guy (Jeremy Irons) who then elevates in status and is revealed to be a great former dragon-rider/knight who basically went into seclusion - Obi Wan Kenobi anybody. He is killed defending our young hero.

You have a band of "rebel scum" in hiding but about to come under attack from the dark forces. They are only saved at the last by the the dragon, which I guess equates to the Millenium Falcon, being key to victory in the final battle.

The ending is also left wide open for a sequel - the dark king still lives and has his own mofo of a dragon, is Darth Vader really dead or just vanquished etc. etc.

[End Spoiler]

A good sword and sorcery romp, certainly no LOTR but better than the rather softass and pompous Narnia.
Just watched this last night... would have seen it in the cinema but i really wanted to read the book first. So read the book and then watched it and to be honest i am very dissapointed in the film. Its so rushed its not real. Now i understand most films which are taken from book are the same but this one REALLY suffers bad from it.....the book is far far better
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