Errrm? Am I on the team?

14 Apr 2006
Peterborough, UK
I've just started crunching proper and I -think- i've submitted a WU (doubt it tbh)

Just wondering when you get 'noticed' as a team member is it after you submit your first WU for the team or when you download a WU for the team?
You'll appear after your first WU has been submitted. The Stanford pages will display you first and the EOC ones later on (these aren't updated as often).
just submitted my First WU... two minutes after the stats were updated... grrr!

oh well, i'll be an official member of the team before the night is out... thanks for clarifying :)
I dunno whats happened.. I completed my first WU... it sent off fine and i've got another back, but (and this is 4 hours later) i've still not appeared with any stats...

Whats going wrong? :s


saw this pat the beginning of the 'Prev_FAHlog.txt' file

By using the -forceasm flag, you are overriding
safeguards in the program. If you did not intend to
do this, please restart the program without -forceasm.
If work units are not completing fully (and particularly
if your machine is overclocked), then please discontinue
use of the flag.

so i've disables the -forceasm flag for now... see if that helps :s
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I did that already on his behalf. My guess is it's not configured properly. The warning above is fine, but post up the 10 or so lines immediately after it and we can check them. :)
That forceasm warning is fine, and you should put the flag back in.

My guess is that you haven't got it configured correctly. Run the program with the configonly flag and make sure you have an individual user name within the OcUK team (you can check on the stanford site) and have team 10 input.
ok, thanks for the info :)

I'm 40% through (another) WU atm, having '-configonly'ed it before i went to sleep last night..

Username = Mikebert4
Team No = 10

it's currently slogging happily through the WU (on frame 40 of 100) and will be finished aproximately at 1 O'clock tomorrow morning.

fingers crossed it'ssubmit the WU fine and i'll have points come startof play tomorrow :)


I've just re-applied the -forceasm flag and it's resumed from the last checkpoint hapilly (at frame 40 again)

expected to finish around 10 this evening :)
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Your still not on the site, have you choose the correct settings for the internet and proxy etc when in the config setup?
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