To a point I agree but you open up a whole can of worms by putting power in the same cable. How much and at what voltages for a start - do you allow enough for a 3.5" HDD or just limit it to enough for 2.5" HDDs? You then have to design boards and cards to supply the power to the ports.matja said:What a rubbish design decision not to have power on the same cable.
rpstewart said:To a point I agree but you open up a whole can of worms by putting power in the same cable. How much and at what voltages for a start - do you allow enough for a 3.5" HDD or just limit it to enough for 2.5" HDDs? You then have to design boards and cards to supply the power to the ports.
It would be a nice feature but ultimately what percentage of eSATA devices will be truely mobile?
bledd. said:icybox 360 with sata connector is the way to go, it has a bracket that fits into your case (where a pci card would go etc) that plugs into an internal sata port
so you can use an sata drive in the icybox at full speed , the 360's are awesome build quality compared to the old 35x range too