eSATA speed question

6 Jan 2006
Does anyone have any idea on the transfer speeds of eSATA devices?

I am trying to find out if it is faster or slower than transferring files to a NAS over 100mb network connection (unmanaged).

I know you can get up to 3Gbps with eSATA but what are the transfer speeds in real terms? Is it faster than a 100mb network connection?
Almost certainly. 100Mb/s is only 12.5MB/s and most modern hard drives have real world transfer speeds which are several times greater than that.
eSATA will be significantly quicker than a NAS.

The 3Gbps figure is simply what the interface is capable of, the drive will be the bottleneck - expect to see about 55-60Mb/s average depending on the drive.

From what I've seen most 100Mbps NAS solutions will give you at most 10Mb/s.
Thanks for the replies - this is exactly what I am looking for.

Any recommendations on a proven and decent external eSATA chassis?
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