essential games, what do I need?

16 Jul 2006
Ordered my new comp today, been out of the gaming circuit for a while, so what are the essential cames I need to play? Already on the list is halfllife/counterstrike, into a bit of anything really, mainly first person shooters

What you got?
World of Warcraft
Battlefield 2
Half life 2
Pro Evo
The Godfather
The Sims 2 (eugh)

depends if you prefer FPS or RPG games , theres loads :)
Get World of Warcraft if you want to say goodbye to your social life

Edit: If you do want to try mmorpg then try Guild Wars from for £10 and no monthly fees

Car games? Need for Speed: Most wanted, Evolution GT (my fave), GT Legends
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Drizmod said:
Get World of Warcraft if you want to say goodbye to your social life


I definelty dont want to go there again, holiday between school and college I lost to cs, now final year at uni I cant afford to go down that route lol
William said:

KOTOR I & II! ;)

:rolleyes: ;)

Translation (as the OP probably won't know what you're on about :p)

Knights of the Old Republic
Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords

Both fantastic games.
I was in the same situation as you a few weeks ago when I got new gaming rig although I haven't been "out of the scene". Anyways:

Quake 4
FEAR (If just multiplayer you want don't buy the game, multiplayer will be free soon)

Dawn of War + Winter Assault
Battle for Middle Earth II


+ replay all the classics like cnc gens, hl etc etc just to remind yourself why your playing games. Playing through HL again the other day was great and makes you realise head crabs are annoying as hell.
If you want a bit of eyecandy and decent gameplay, a lot of people thoroughly enjoyed farcry.
Here's some FPS for you:

Far Cry
Call of Duty Deluxe
Halflife 2 & Episode 1
Call of Duty 2
Doom 3 & Resurrection of Evil
Deus Ex
Deus Ex: The Invisible War
Medal of Honour: Pacific Assault
Painkiller & Battle out of Hell
Serious Sam Gold
Serious Sam 2
Tribes Vengeance
No-one Lives Forever 2
Star Wars Jedi Knight III: Jedi Academy
Command and Conquer: Renegade (get as part of First Decade pack)
nighoftheeighth said:
Don't forget the RTS:

Dawn Of War & Winter Assault
LOTR Battle For Middle Earth 2
You forgot the best 3:

Total annihilation
C&C: THe first decade.
This is going to cost a small fortune lol, the last time I brought a px mag there was talk of a new duke nukem game, anything on that?
Simonnn said:
This is going to cost a small fortune lol, the last time I brought a px mag there was talk of a new duke nukem game, anything on that?

It's been in the pipine now for a good 6-8 years now, no release date, just a running gaming joke now.

Good thing with half of these games listed is that they can be bought for pennies second hand or even budget new in some retailers, so just search for best bargains :)

Out of those listed, if I could pick 5:

Knights of the Old Republic
Max Payne (1+2)
Deus Ex
Half-Life 2
Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
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