Essential iPhone Apps

Hmmm for some odd reason i cant seem to buy the Celeste bluetooth app from cydia...keeps saying my OS isnt compatible:confused:

Im on the 4.3.1 jailbreak at the moment so cant see why there is an issue unless it doesnt work on that particular jb.

Anyone have any ideas or another suitable app so i can BT files from the iphone to other phones etc??.


Yep I had that the other day after updating it.

Only way I could get round it was to delete it and reinstall fresh, hasn't come up since.

Also strangely I sometimes get a new interface and sometimes the usual one - can't work out why as i'm opening up the same app. Maybe detecting a naff signal and loads the older one?
Toy balls, just downloaded this the other day and i have to say bloody addictive and best thing is its free...
Anyone else tried The Nightjar? Brilliant game you play with headphones and "see with your ears" - superb surround sound effects too.
Anyone else tried The Nightjar? Brilliant game you play with headphones and "see with your ears" - superb surround sound effects too.
Yep, it's great :)

Also, I bought world of goo the other day, if you like puzzle games its great!
Had a play around with dreamboard (Jailbreak only) today and am quite excited of what might come of it in the future. Havent really settled on any currently availible themes yet mind you!
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