So either call their bluff at a cost of £330 (or find a cheaper solicitor) and get them to send a letter to cease activity. Or, ignore the solicitor and see if they hire a fly by night solicitor and then engage your guy.The solicitor has reviewed this part:
The commission fee will be earned by us if we introduce, directly or indirectly a person who contracts to purchase the property during the period of contract. We have a specific entitlement to a fee if: The property is sold to a family member; One of the owners buys another owners share (e.g. as part of a separation agreement); The property is sold to a Property Developer; The property is part exchanged; The property is sold at auction or is repossessed; if the seller withdraws for any reason after contracts are exchanged. We will have a commission fee entitlement if you terminate our agreement and then sell your property to a buyer introduced by us within six months of the date our agreement ends.
and has said:
It is standard practice for an estate agent’s contract to incorporate terms & conditions that provide for their commission to be paid in circumstances where you have terminated the agreement but subsequently sell to someone they introduced.
The agent in question considers the couple you who purchased has been introduced by them. Whether that is justified or not will obviously depend on the facts and also the specific wording of the agreement.
The agreement terms state this right to charge expires after six months. And by the dates provided, this appears to be the case.
In order to provide specific advice you would need to schedule a first appointment with me in order that you can provide me with more detailed instructions. There is a fixed fee cost for that of £330 plus VAT.
Depends on if you are totally 100000000% sure about the 6 months thing, and when you are taking your dates from.
Your previous agent was still contracted until the sale officially fell through (the contract would be in place until exchange, as that's when they get paid).
Your new agent start dates needs to be 6 months from when the chain collapsed. If you can satisfy this condition then nothing to argue.
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