Estate agents - background checks...

29 Jan 2008
OK slightly random question - supposing I want to go look round an expensive property in London with a girl - just for a laugh/fun thing to do in the daytime - is it something that I can sort out just by phoning/mailing the estate agent and booking a viewing or do they probe a bit conduct background checks or ask for bank statements etc..etc..

Am assuming for a normal house obviously not but for stuff that is a bit more upmarket whats the score? I work at a place where some (a minority of) people can and do live in places that cost a couple of million so perhaps dropping a quick e-mail from my work address would prevent any suspicions being raised?

(yes I know this is a bit random and prob a bit cheeky for the poor salesperson/cockney spiv who has to show us round and waste his time...)
in my experience they only run background checks when you put an offer in, they normally ask the usual questions before hand tho.. like do you have a property for sale, current postal address so they can send rubbish to you, etc... can't say I have brought anything worth millions tho :D

Surely must be something better to do! (unless ofc this is a secret scheme to get said lady to think you are minted)
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Depends on the estate agent, I doubt they will be that fussy but then I've never visited prime London real estate. They will likely ask you about your current position at least in terms of whether you have mortgage arranged (if required) etc, for expensive properties they will only want serious buyers.
why dont you look at museums or estates that have been turned into a museum?

or are you conning a date by asking a girl to help you look for a new home?
Supreme waste of the owners time, you realise the hassle most people go to when somebody is coming to see their place ? Plus the hope of an offer..

You could probably blag a viewing but you would be a bottom feeder for doing so.
So you want to take a random girl with you to look at expensive houses that you could never afford to make it look like you have loads of money?
Nah tis a new development so no owner involved - just wasting a salespersons time....

Tis more her idea - I guess its like the female equivalent of a guy going for a test drive in a ferrari without having the intention or the means to purchase it at the end...

Are you the son of Ferris Bueller?

It was more this sort of thing I had in mind..... basically doing it as a bit of a fun **** take type thing... 'hmmm well the dressing room in the master suite is a bit on the small size are you sure all your shoes will fit in there darling' etc...

edit - no it isn't some cunning ploy to make a random girl think I'm minted or anything
Tis more her idea - I guess its like the female equivalent of a guy going for a test drive in a ferrari without having the intention or the means to purchase it at the end...

Not really, because nailing the throttle on a Ferrari is an exciting and amazing thing many people will never get to experience.

Walking around a house.. mind :confused:

It was more this sort of thing I had in mind..... basically doing it as a bit of a fun **** take type thing... 'hmmm well the dressing room in the master suite is a bit on the small size are you sure all your shoes will fit in there darling' etc...

Utterly weird.
It was more this sort of thing I had in mind..... basically doing it as a bit of a fun **** take type thing... 'hmmm well the dressing room in the master suite is a bit on the small size are you sure all your shoes will fit in there darling' etc...

I was surprised by the DOB in your profile, expected you to be about 15
What a completely and utterly pointless thing to do. There are better “bit of a fun **** take type” things to do aren’t there.
so I'm guessing the general consensus on this one is its prob not a good idea?

It's not everyones cup of tea but if you like being nosey and punishing yourself by looking at what you can't afford then go for it
Well I did say it was a bit random....

Though its certainly not about being nosey etc.. and is more something she thought would be fun...

basically as a bit of an explanation - there is an episode in the TV series 'secret diary of a call girl' where the girl and her guy friend go look round some posh house as a complete **** take etc... - my friend thinks this will be funny etc.. and suggested we do something similar.
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