Hyper-V was free and sort of still is. if you have windows 10 ro its just enabling it. you can get server editions on long trials or pick up cheap keys.
i cant seem to see that there is a free version now, there was when it release Hyper-v Server. but frm memory and searching its disconntinued.
last time i played with Hyper-V you needed a domain set up to manage it and it wasnt as feature rich.
Proxmox (been around 15years)- aimed at smaller organisations that said its also in use in a lot of larg companies. Linux knowlege is usufll to have.
XCP-ng (been around 5years a relative new commer)- based on Xen aimed more at larger organisations
in simplistic terms. both free
just depends what you looking for. its always good to know multiple technologies.
Hyper-V obvious in use in a lot of large companies.
all of them is good for getting to know the CMD/Terminal usage.
i can see Proxmox/XCP-NG getting a lot of new customers in the next year or so potentially, which would be good for them.
it really depends which one works best for you. give them both a try or try something competely differant and let us know what you find
i thought this was a nice little read :