Ethnicity Codes

You people are going to hell. How could you commit such an act of cruelty on an innocent scone. :D
Plus it looks untidy doing it the wrong way. You wouldn't put jam on before butter. #EndSconeCruelty

Pah! Get out, you green flag waving northern heathen! :p
My wife would still be hacked off, she hates being classed as Other Asian as shes says, "their are over 260 million people in Indonesia but Malaysia gets a category and we don't?" it seriously winds her up.
I had to a lot of this sort of thing working in MIS when I branched out a bit for my former employer. However I've never seen that many codes! We had about 12.

The government requires collection of this information as part of the ILR which I was tasked with submitting 3 or 4 times a year - In instances where the student had omitted this information on their application I was advised to take 'an educated guess' :p
My wife would still be hacked off, she hates being classed as Other Asian as shes says, "their are over 260 million people in Indonesia but Malaysia gets a category and we don't?" it seriously winds her up.

Malaysian steal all the good ideas ;) including space on a form.

Indonesian-Chinese mixed with white irish british.
There doesn't seem to be a box for that...
You should just respond "My child is racially fluid. Did you just ASSUME my child's race? How dare you!"
You can totally get away with that in today's politically correct climate lol.
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