€ Steam Users - Why pay more :o)

31 May 2005
If anyone on the forum wishes to purchase a game on Steam but would rather pay in £ rather than € then let me help.

First of all, I am not doing this to rip anybody off, I am just aware of the pricing differences between the currencies and don't mind helping out members of the forum.

Please view my trust feedback for trust worthyness.

I have a couple of members in my steam friends list who I do this for every now and then so I'm sure they can vouch for my honesty.

Please check my trust feedback.

If would like a game, please do the following

*Will only assist long standing forum members with good trust feedback
Message in this thread
Send the required payment to [email protected]
I would encourage you to use paypal gift so little to no fees are due.
Please ensure all paypal fees are accounted for.
If any paypal fees are not accounted for, any monies will be refunded in full.
Pleas eleave trust once complete. I will do likewise.

Within the paypal payment, please instruct me what game you would like along with the url of the steam store for that item. Please also send me your steam email address you would like the gift sending to.

I normally have internet access most of the day so most gifts will be sent within a few hours although please allow 12 hours before moaning at me.

Any questions, please feel free to ask.

I am doing this as I disagree with the current pricing policy of publishers and no harm in us saving a few €.

Please leave trust and post here when gifts are received.

Unlike some forum members, I do not do this for personal gain, just trying to give something back to this great community.

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Aye, just send payment :o)

No need to ask.

Only reason I was asking was just to keep everything above board both for myself and yourself. I know it's a bit more tedious but figured you might like to confirm the payment before it's sent as opposed to me sending you random money and demanding my game :p

I was seriously thinking of you more though that it might be a good idea if people leave you a note here first to save yourself being left open to abuse.

Anyways, thanks for offering this I know I shall be making great use of this/you :p for as long as you decide to do it :D
I contacted steam a few months back when the store stopped pricing in £ and switched to the euro. As my currency is the pound, they said to access the store via a browser and add ccuk or something along the lines to the address and it would take you to the uk store of steam.
Very strange


Mr Moo has saved me a few quid on occasion :)

Edit - course, he could be just lulling us into a false sense of security until we're prepared make huge purchases, at which point he'll strike, buggering off to the bahamas with all our cash, but that's a risk I'm willing to take :D
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Even in sterling the steam prices are a bit much tbh

In your opinion.

In my opinion, the amount paid in relation to the service proposition is more than good value.

People still shop at Harrods regardless of the price. They do so because they like their service proposition and would rather pay more and receive an enhanced service compared to a cheaper retailer.

Although I appreciate some may disagree.

There are a million threads to discuss this and I would rather this one did not get derailed but personally, im getting bored of the "STEAM IZ EXPENSIVE" posts :(
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Heh, I bought the L4D2 4 pack for 3 of my german friends, saving them loads. I also purchased 3 copies of MW2 for them and I dont even own that.

Euro prices are a rip-off compared to sterling, thats for sure.
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