€ Steam Users - Why pay more :o)

31 May 2005
If anyone on the forum wishes to purchase a game on Steam but would rather pay in £ rather than € then let me help.

First of all, I am not doing this to rip anybody off, I am just aware of the pricing differences between the currencies and don't mind helping out members of the forum.

Please view my trust feedback for trust worthyness.

I have a couple of members in my steam friends list who I do this for every now and then so I'm sure they can vouch for my honesty.

Please check my trust feedback.

If would like a game, please do the following

*Will only assist long standing forum members with good trust feedback
Message in this thread
Send the required payment to [email protected]
I would encourage you to use paypal gift so little to no fees are due.
Please ensure all paypal fees are accounted for.
If any paypal fees are not accounted for, any monies will be refunded in full.
Pleas eleave trust once complete. I will do likewise.

Within the paypal payment, please instruct me what game you would like along with the url of the steam store for that item. Please also send me your steam email address you would like the gift sending to.

I normally have internet access most of the day so most gifts will be sent within a few hours although please allow 12 hours before moaning at me.

Any questions, please feel free to ask.

I am doing this as I disagree with the current pricing policy of publishers and no harm in us saving a few €.

Please leave trust and post here when gifts are received.

Unlike some forum members, I do not do this for personal gain, just trying to give something back to this great community.

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Even in sterling the steam prices are a bit much tbh

In your opinion.

In my opinion, the amount paid in relation to the service proposition is more than good value.

People still shop at Harrods regardless of the price. They do so because they like their service proposition and would rather pay more and receive an enhanced service compared to a cheaper retailer.

Although I appreciate some may disagree.

There are a million threads to discuss this and I would rather this one did not get derailed but personally, im getting bored of the "STEAM IZ EXPENSIVE" posts :(
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Why are Euro priced games more expensive?

Because they think they can get away with it, as far as I can see. I don't see any other justification for it. Take AvP for example - it's €50 on steam, which works out at £43 at the moment. I think it's going for £25 on steam in the UK.

It is down to some publishers being greedy, not all games are over priced in Euros.

For example, Zero Gear, an Indepently developed/published game is:


Will it actually let you buy in £ of $ then?

should do, and if you live in a censored area it should also give you the uncensored version :D

It doesn't work.

Would make their region restriction and censoring rather pointless dont you think?

It allows you to view the store in the different currencies but you need to purchase in your home currency.
The service they offer is offset by the fact there is no CD/packaging/distribution costs. The price should, at worst, be no higher than the retail version.

As long as I dont have to pay no more than RRP, I am happy.

It is not about being a "Fanbois", it is just I like the service and find it convenient.

I dont want to be installing from Disc, finding serial numbers, entering serial numbers, swapping discs during install, downloading patches, installing patches. Then after all that, having some junk on my shelf I could do without.
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I have a friend in Bosnia who wants to buy COD but for the UK price, but his currency is Euro's. Surely if he sends you the price for it in pounds it will cost him as much as it does for him in Euros due to the transfer rate in currency?

The game is £39.99 on Steam or €59.99

At Paypals current exchange rates, £39.99 is €46.87 which is a saving of just over €13 compared to the €59.99 price.

That does not include any paypal fees but using Paypal gift normally reduces that.

Seeing as the game activates on Steam anyway, is it not cheaper to purchase retail?
Well your analagy regarding Harrods and cheap retailers was a poor one and frankly smacked of blatent fanboism.


Go back to your troll hole.

I wrote what I thought was a reasonable reply.

My point was that cost is not allways important, believe it or not, some people actually dont mind paying a premium if they are getting what they perceive to be extra benefits for themselves.

Your post read as though you want all the extra benefits of Steam but do not want to pay anything for them, how does that work, do you want something for nothing?

You obviously have your own agenda so please start a new thread instead of derailing this one which exists purely to help people who actually use the product. There is a difference between liking a product and seeing its benefits and being a "fanbois".

If I am in the wrong here, then someone please correct me.
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Hugs and kisses all round :)

Regarding the reasons for the Euro/Sterling disparity, I am just as confused as yourself.

If it was out by a few quid, you could put the down to exchange rates etc but it is normally by more than just a "few quid".

There are tons of features online about the issue but I am yet to find a definitive answer.

Publishers say nothing, Valve say nothing, prices stay unchanged.

The thing is, it is not "Across the board" as some euro prices are "correct" so that leads me to belive it is the publishers although I have no evidence to back this up.

Untill it is resolved, I will do my best to help those who are being wronged.

(Sits in chair with red pants on the outiside of my trousers fighting for justice) - ROFL.
That is true.

I think with the E.U being soo big, they had to do that so Publishers can price their games and have offers on a region by region basis.

This gives publishers more control which increases their confidence in the platform.

This is something Impulse lacks and maybe the reason they are unable to neogotiate better contracts as they do not give the publisher the same freedoms.
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Hey Gimpy

Sent you cash for Bad Company 2 yesterday. Thanks a lot for doing this, in the end this is a lot of money saved by you dedicating your time to this!

Thanks again

Hi Dude,

I sent you the game yesterday but you have not claimed it has yet.

I sent it to your Steam email address as mentioned in your email.

You are now in my friends list. I have resent the gift to you.
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It may have already been answered in this thread, but I can't see where the difference between 'gift' and 'goods' lies in regards to a paypal payment. Now, Gimpymoo is a somewhat respected long-time forum member, so I wouldn't question his motives right off the bat, but is the difference in price really worth teh extra risk? As far as I unerstand it , it's next to impossible to reclaim a gift fund on paypal. Not that the distinction is that great in this case - "I paid gimpymoo so he could gift me a game on Steam, in order to bypass regional pricing regulations" doesn't smack of a winning argument to me. Regardless, is the % cost difference that great between payments for gifts and goods?

Only a few £/€ here and there but it all adds up, why pay more if you dont have to?

Also, even if you paid via a none gift method and I did a runner, you would still not get a refund as the Paypal refund gurantee does not apply to none digital goods or services :)
Sorry, im at work at the moment. How much is Shattered Horizon if I pay this way? I was going to buy it a while ago but forgot to


I have a spare copy of Shattered Horizon left over from a 4 pack if your interested.

Is a great game. DIfferent, granted but awesome none the less and VERY competitive and skillfull, hence why I suck at it.
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