The numbers in that image are weird. Is that depreciation vs list for new? Would be a bit of a pointless figure if it is, given the Zoe tends to sell for £10k-£16k below list.
A £30k car sells new for between half and two thirds of its list price?
Yup, I paid ~£21k for mine (and based on a quick search on Autotrader is currently worth ~£17k after 18 months).
A £30k car sells new for between half and two thirds of its list price?
You always get this with electric cars. The old model, lower battery version gets heavily discounted when a new version comes out. The same happened with the remaining stock of 24kw Leafs when the 30's and 40's came out.
It's like buying last years flagship phones.
All supply and demand. Those deals were at a time where everyone was certain that the batteries would be completely useless in 5 years, and they'd just come out of a damning report where a load of batteries had degraded really rapidly in Arizona (in 50c heat).Not sure about the 24kWh Leaf, but that didn't happen with the 30kWh. I remember being gutted I missed the good deals, which ended about 5 months before the new Leaf was unveiled, and nine months before you could actually get one of the new cars. I assumed the deals would continue, and I'd be able to nab one when the Zoe went back.
you need to put depreciation in the zoe/civic comparison eg
I hadn't realised autotrader does not (yet) give you a battery size option(or ps) to triage cars;
I was trying to see what the relative used price of 24KWh versus bigger batteries.
You always get this with electric cars. The old model, lower battery version gets heavily discounted when a new version comes out. The same happened with the remaining stock of 24kw Leafs when the 30's and 40's came out.
It's like buying last years flagship phones.
I'm aware that EVs are totally not suitable for some people's usage, but for us so far it hasn't been an issue at all - some journeys require a bit more planning on where to stop en-route, but with an 8 year old who gets restless being in the car for more than an hour or 2 anyway, the odd 45 minute charge break is easy enough to time to coincide with the toilet/food/run around for 10 minutes breaks we would be taking anyway.
Smallest battery, base model. I expect they've got an oversupply that they need to shift now the bigger batteries are coming out.Tbh, I was surprised at the size of the discount on the Zoe, considering demand, and how hard they were to get hold of at the time (I had to wait 5 months for mine), it was also before the 50kw was even announced