EV general discussion

ok thanks

yeah i know id get a ticket

but not when you work at one of them ;)

i suppose i should give more details, to see if you lovely lot think it could work

i get to work at 5:30am
dont leave until around 3

our shop is open at 6am

if i get to work and the pods are down, im sure i can charge via 3 pin plug

8 hours charging a day i could potentially do

and its only 6 miles to work
I know it’s been said but owning an EV right now and not having control over the charging situation is really not recommend right now. Particularly one with such a short range. You are effectively relying on free public chargers and the goodwill of an employer not known for goodwill.

I haven’t worked for a supermarket but I know people who have and they are they are not business which I would describe as flexible and understanding e.g. If it falls outside the strict ridged procedure, it isn’t happening. What happens when your colleagues complain your sponging their free electricity and they want the same?

I know you have posted about your charging situation at home, if you really want an EV, then I would sort something out there.

Why are you worried about an EV with a 6 mile commute? An ICE car of an equivalent age, spec and condition will be significantly cheaper. If running costs are an issue, an electric bike will be cheaper than both and more environmentally friendly.
Question, do these public chargers have a "cut off"

Ecotricity cut out after 45 minutes. Most of the others have ‘over-stay’ fees where they charge you a lot of money. And most supermarket car parks are only 30 minutes - 3 hours of free parking at which point it’s £50 charge time.
I know it’s been said but owning an EV right now and not having control over the charging situation is really not recommend right now. Particularly one with such a short range. You are effectively relying on free public chargers and the goodwill of an employer not known for goodwill.

I haven’t worked for a supermarket but I know people who have and they are they are not business which I would describe as flexible and understanding e.g. If it falls outside the strict ridged procedure, it isn’t happening. What happens when your colleagues complain your sponging their free electricity and they want the same?

I know you have posted about your charging situation at home, if you really want an EV, then I would sort something out there.

Why are you worried about an EV with a 6 mile commute? An ICE car of an equivalent age, spec and condition will be significantly cheaper. If running costs are an issue, an electric bike will be cheaper than both and more environmentally friendly.

im not worried at all about the commute, i just wrote it down so that you know im only doing that mileage each day to work
ok thanks

yeah i know id get a ticket

but not when you work at one of them ;)

i suppose i should give more details, to see if you lovely lot think it could work

i get to work at 5:30am
dont leave until around 3

our shop is open at 6am

if i get to work and the pods are down, im sure i can charge via 3 pin plug

8 hours charging a day i could potentially do

and its only 6 miles to work
Are the chargers at your place of work provided for the customers?
I've explained this before, cant store it in my bedroom, got rid of the one i had years ago because of my problems with my body
cant store it outside anywhere etc
its a no go
It sounds like the best car for you is a petrol engined car. The amount of hurdles you seem to have to jump make me wonder just what the point in EV is for you? Surely you can't take up customer charging points and the idea of plugging it to a 3 pin power supply at a supermarket is surely a complete non starter?

If you really want some sort of electric power then a Toyota Hybrid is probably a better choice for you.
In a pretty short space of time people will be questioning the store why the same car is always in the customer EV charging. You’ll even appear on Zap Map chat for the charger if you are really special.
The Leaf is nothing special - it's a basic, short range, EV shopping trolley with average family car performance. Certainly not worth risking employment issues over.
A leaf also really expensive compared to an ICE equivalent of the same year. When your on a budget and only have a 6 mile commute, fuel costs and an oil change a year are pretty inconsequential to the total running costs of a car at that end of the market.

An old leaf will still need tyres, brakes (probally still on the original set and they have a habit of ceasing due to lack of use), suspension etc.

Buying a mechanically sound ICE car is the sensible choice at the moment when you don’t have a place to charge.
I've explained this before, cant store it in my bedroom, got rid of the one i had years ago because of my problems with my body
cant store it outside anywhere etc
its a no go
How about a folding bike? Or even a folding e-bike?

If none of those are an option then whatever car that takes your fancy and just run it to the petrol station once a month. Seems silly to add hassle and cost purely for a 6 mile trip.
How about a folding bike? Or even a folding e-bike?

If none of those are an option then whatever car that takes your fancy and just run it to the petrol station once a month. Seems silly to add hassle and cost purely for a 6 mile trip.

Without going hideously off-topic, the UK is genuinely crap for cyclists. Organisations are not set up to let you store your bike at work, if you turn up to work a bit sweaty you often can’t get a shower or even change your clothes sensibly and fir most of the time, when it rains, cycling to work is a genuinely crap experience.

I love cycling, but it just isn’t an option for a lot of people to cycle to work, especially if they work in customer-facing roles.
You wake up in the morning and don't see your car, you think it's been stolen but has just been repossessed because you didn't make the payments.

Full Self Driving will come in handy :)

I’m surprised the tin foil hat brigade are not all over that. That is some serious big brother power there.

The tech is great but it’s one of those things that needs to have some serious internal security protocols around it.
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