Hotels is an important one, for me at least. The news that there will be a new starter at work (who hopefully I can palm my company car off to...) has got me looking at EVs again. I think my need for public charging when doing my longer work visits (which therefore require a night away) would drop to pretty much zero if I could guarantee a full charge at my accommodation.
It will start to make business sense too for the hotels because at the moment I just stop where I fancy so maybe a generic Holiday Inn or Premier Inn one time and a small B&B or hotel the next. If I had to charge up and only, lets say, Premier Inn gave the opportunity to book a charger as well as the room they would get 100% of my business in an instant.
That would just leave my out and back trips which are generally under 400 miles in a day (500 max) so a couple of rapid coffee break top ups might be enough to see me back home. Just need HMRC to make their advisory "fuel" rate for EV's more reasonable than the current 5ppm.