Sounds like you had a bad experience
I’m in the Tesla FB group and that’s full of issues too - most recently wipers which don’t work properly, since the December update, and the ‘Tesla Vision‘ being pap
Tesla vision is a huge improvement over radar. I don't even remember my last phantom brake. I can do hundreds and hundreds of miles with no concern. My previous VW setup was from the stone age in comparison.
Wipers are mostly fine, with the odd weird period, they miss a manual sensitivity adjustment. So yeah not that good.
I can't really chime in on what Polestar does it does not have. But for me Tesla works as follows:
1. Enter/Exit car with phone in pocket, 100% of time, no issues.
2. Auto heated seats, steering wheel and AC. Literally never adjust anything.
3. All routes just add in charging stops, taking into account chargers being used and if any are broken. Will re-route if a charging spot becomes busy.
4. Spotify just works.
5. I have full access to the API so returning home unlocks my house door. The night before work I have automation to set a higher charge and pre-heat/cool.
6. Has built in dash cams, I can view them remotely.
7. Easy entry seat/wheel automatic profiles.
8. Per person profiles, Inc seat, steering wheel, YouTube etc.
9. Can teach it to always fold mirrors at tight locations.
10. Range route planning is basically spot on, takes into account elevation, wind, temp etc
11. Super efficient, despite the temperature. Cold weather makes surprisingly little difference. I assume due to the octovalve.
Like I said, I don't really know what the Polestar has.