Just saw another newspaper article about someone going back to a diesel car after forking out for charging as they can't get a charger at their home, there are hardly any charger stations near to them, discovering the range in cold weather isn't the same as the quoted figures. If they had researched a bit first they would have found all this out.
it's only since really following EVs and renewable energy I have really learned exactly how insidious our news papers are. every single day without fail I get one , usually more scare story in my news feed about some failing or danger of EVs or a new tech which makes EVs unnessesary.
it's almost always the express, the sun, the mail or the mirror.
usually they are a real edge case or an obviously biased or ignorant opinion from a random person , but sometimes it's just an objective lie.
I had one today from the express about how you should not buy a 2nd hand EV because the batteries degrade really quickly. no mention of the 100k mile 8 year warranty most offer.
it transpired at the end they were talking about a Tesla with over 100k miles on the clock that could have been risking a £15k bill on the battery.
well put it this way. if I was buying a car with a sub 4s 0-60 and insane top speed performance car with over 100k on the clock...... and it was an ICE car. guess what? I may be concerned about big bills as well!
the objective lie however was one which really triggered me
a woman whos brand new EV was ruined due to flood damage to the car killing the battery.
1) why mention it was an EV anyway. flood damage would ruin any car.
2) it was a 5 year+ old DIESEL FGS.
the story then linked to other EV tales of woe.
an utter disgrace.
I am all for genuine critical debate and it's true that for those without off road parking EVs are a tough sell right now.