EVE Online player - I need a new game..

26 Dec 2013
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After playing EVE on and off since 2006, I have become tired and bored of it. Can anybody recommend me some games that might keep me interested?

I have had a look at Elite Dangerous, it seems to get good ratings, but there seems to be a lot of people saying it's just 60 minutes of flying around to get 4 minutes of excitement.
What type of game? Another mmo?

Elderscrolls online just went no sub, buy to play model,

guild wars 2 get regular updates and is buy to play no sub model,

Final fantsey online is about to get a major exspansion and is a very polished game but is a buy and sub model.
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I'm thinking some form of MMO.. I like to be competitive etc.

Ohhh, I'll have a look at Elderscrolls.

Its a good game, about to get launched on ps4 / xbox but is still missing a few key features promised at launch like thieves / assassins guilds and custom spells.

Im playing final fantasy online at the mo, very nice game and worth the sub imo, just has a really nice feel about it hard to explain, maybe a nostalgia thing from ff games back in the day.
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Ha, Eve used to be good, but over the last few years it's hard to have fun, unless you do it in a big group, and i'm not into that kind of thing.
Never really found an MMO type game that I could get into like city of heroes :| Eve has its moments but find myself going off it more and more and never grabbed me like some MMOs.
The only thing about Excel, it doesn't have a ship spin counter :D

Just been looking through the screenshot gallery, there's some nice looking games out. Just need to find something I can casually play when I get some spare time, to try and escape from reality.

Apart from a brief go on a free trial years back, I've not played it. However, despite its flaws, it seems to still get its fair share of positive reviews, with people recommending it on a regular basis.

Vanguard Saga of Heroes? Hmmm...not sure if it's still available.
Final Fantasy 14 is great and the community is very mature from what I've witnessed.
If you like Skyrim or have played it then Elder Scrolls Online is just Skyrim but MUCH larger and with other people, Quite fun :)
Sadly I have yet to find a MMO that kept my attention like Eve did.

Elite gives you some of the same feelings but its a long way off features wise to something like Eve so that will likely annoy.
Diablo 3 is the only game that has kept my attention like Eve since I got bored of 'Theme Park' MMO's. There's no PVP, but trying to get onto leaderboards is very competitive (even internal clan leaderboards)
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