Even shinier new forum


I think we should get together a sticky with jonny69's knife buying thread and various others about pots and pans etc as these were the threads that were coming up so often in GD.

I found a webpage which explained loads about knifes and sharpening ect. Posted a link in on of the threads, but for the life of me can;t find it. It was an awesome guide.
Finally! Would love to see a nice big sticky all about cooking, with links to recipes etc at the top :)
I'm sure it will be fine mate, I know sod all about knives but when I eventually get my own place (quite soon) i'll hopefully get myself a nice set :)
GWF to the mods for moving over the food threads from GD :)

Though it makes the Boat sub-forum even feel more inadequate :p

ps3ud0 :cool:
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