Event ID 56

2 Nov 2006
Kent, UK
Hi Peeps

For the last few days my PC, which has been working fine, keeps restarting itself for no apparent reason. I would be working in my 3D app or After Effects and then it would make a faint blip noise and restart itself. I have re-installed the graphics driver but that had no effect. I have use Crystal Disk to check the hard drives and they are all fine. I have turned the machine on and just let it run and it sits happily and then reboots itself, sometime one after the other sometimes with an hour delay.

It is unerving. I am wondering whether it is the RAM playing up but normally that would fail at system boot? It's not the GPUs since I have two identrical ones and have switched them around and still get the same problem. So it kinda points to a Windows update possibly? I have noticed that when I used to boot up I would get a lock screen picture which I could like and then it would take me into the OS now it just has the same picture and no like/unlike button...

My system is a Threadripper 1920 with a Microstar X399 mobo, 32 gb RAM, two SSDs, four HDs and two RTX 28000ti GPUs and a 1600w PSU (so ample power) running Windows 10 Pro.

I am a bit clueless and any help would be greatly appreciated.
OK so I booted up using memtest and the computer rebooted itself… This tells me that it’s not Windows causing this but hardware since using memtest doesn’t boot into Windows. PSU, mem, mobo probably I doubt it is the GPU since I have two identical and have tried both…
If you can I'd try one stick of ram at a time, and possibly disconnecting all the drives.

I've had faulty ram that worked fine for a while until the faulty section started to get used, for example the machine would boot fine into windows but then crash at semi random depending on what i was doing. Memtest saved the day for that as it let me know there was a fault with the ram and then which stick.
Thing is whilst running memtest the computer blips and reboots before finishing the test so I have no idea if it ismemory causing the problem. I would think mem test would be able to point to bad mem and still run? I am now wondering if it is the PSU or mobo?
Thanks for the tips peeps - much appreciated!

Thing is it won’t even let me run the memtest from a USB stick since it reboots itself whilst doing it… And since that doesn’t launch into Windows I know it is not an OS problem.

I have taken the machine apart today and cleaned all the dust out, there wasn’t much apart from on the external CPU cooler was caked in dust. I will be putting it back together tonight and see if it works tomorrow.

Might be time for a new PC since the Threadripper 1920 is getting old and not supported by Windows 11.
Well I finished cleaning my PC and put it all back together again and it seemed to work fine for a few hours and the pop! It rebooted itself... It cannot be a windows thing since when you boot from memtest you are not in Windows and so if it reboots itself whilst running that it must be a hardware issue? I am running out of ideas...
OK the latest update is I took out the memory and tested each stick individually after disconnecting all the hard drives. I also removed one of the identical GPUs. It still re-booted. So I switched to the other GPU - it still rebooted! Then I looked at my PSU since it has a test button on the AX1600i PSU. It turned green and the fan spun but I tested it several times and occasionally it went red… It's only four years old so I went back to the supplier who said plug in the iCue USB cable and switch if from multi-rail to single rail. Now I cannot do that since both of my internal USB slots are taken, one with the H100i Cooler and the other with the front USB slots which I use for my Wacom tablet and mouse.

Funnily enough having done the PSU test my system seems to have stabilised somewhat and only reboots occasionally not consistently. I am wondering what I have done? I know that I cannot add any more RAM in the vacant RAM slots since the USB cable coming out of the H100i cooler is in the way... I am also not convinced that going from multi-rail to single will make a difference since the PC has worked fine for four years. Using the iCue software I can also see that my system does not seem to suffer from overheating problems. Can I unplug the iClue USB cable from the H100 cooler temporarily and plug in my PSU just to check that out?
@d_brennen Does the cooler actually use power from the attached USB cable? I thought the cable was so that you could use the iCue software to control lights and fan speeds? I mean there is a separate cable for power for the fans and pump.
Well my system has been running stable all week so far so I am clueless as to what caused this error… I will plug the PSU USB into the mobo to check the PSU but as long as everything is working I am loath to touch anything. I am starting to think it could have been a tiny piece of debris that got into the PSU that was causing a shut down? Anyway looks like I will not be able upgrade the RAM since the iCUE cable is in the way… Also wondering if it might have been some low level virus?

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