Events in history where the truth was uncovered by conspiricists?

11 Oct 2005
Manchester, UK
Just got thinking, with the amount of conspiracy thread floating around, has there ever been an event in history where the real truth was uncovered due to conspiricists producing overwhelming evidence?

I don't usually go for all the conspiracy stuff but just wondered if any had actually proved anything other than they are for people with nothing better to do?
actually I think there has been at least 2 occaisions... i can't remember exactly but it's something to do with 60s/70s politics between USA and Iran or some other crazy country... to do with trading weapons for hostages or something similar??
I guess that The Watergate scandal would be the nearest, see the film 'all the Presidents Men''
Or The Three mile Island incident, again see the film ''The China Syndrome''
Do the research and you'll find some things that were probably uncovered by conspiricists but proving it might be tricky.
What you can find, is evedence of many, many secret operations that were either not known about or denied at the time such as Operation Northwoods.

Don't just assume that every theory is poppycock, it may be discovered in 50 years time that the theorists were correct.
I would imagine there are quite a few but it would be hard to research because once discovered as true, they would just be recorded in history just as events that happened. Also, I would imagine conspiracy theories received much less attention before the days of the Internet. What there is though, is parallels between some of the current conspiracy theories and real events that have been proved to have happened, like operation northwoods as mentioned, which bears similarities to many theories on 9/11.
dmpoole said:
So that was about flying planes into the Twin Towers and Pentagon?

Operation Northwoods, or Northwoods, was a 1962 plan by the US Department of Defense to cause acts of simulated or real terrorism and violence on US soil or against US interests, blamed on Cuba, in order to generate U.S. public support for military action against the Cuban government of Fidel Castro. As part of the U.S. government's Operation Mongoose anti-Castro initiative, the plan, which was not implemented, called for various false flag actions, including simulated or real state-sponsored acts of terrorism (such as hijacked planes) on U.S. and Cuban soil. The plan was proposed by senior U.S. Department of Defense leaders, including the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Lyman Louis Lemnitzer.
There is the Tuskgee-Syphilis Conspiracy where it was long rumoured (from 1932) that the Americans had deliberately infected 200 residents of Tuskgee Alabhama with Syphilis to see how the infection would spread. This later proved to be correct and Clinton actually apologised to the residents for the earlier governments actions.
sr4470 said:
Operation Northwoods, or Northwoods, etc

I was taking the wee.

Operation Northwoods never happened.
A few blokes sat round a table and thought of a plan which was chucked out.
Nothing happened - move along.

If conspiracy theorists believe the 9/11 attacks to be orchestrated by the US government and not Al Qaeda.

Do they believe the US embassy bombings in 1998 were a conspiracy?
Do they believe the WTC bombing in 1993 to be a conspiracy?
Do they believe the London bombings in 2005 to be a conspiracy?
Do they believe the Madrid Train bombings in 2004 to be a conspiracy?
Do they believe the Bali bombings in 2002 to be a conspiracy?

Do they really believe The US, UK, Spanish and Indonesian Government to all be in on a big secret to attack themselves for urm... what was the reason again?
Wasn't the Manchurian candidate/ MK Ultra mind control conspiracy theories. There are several americans suing the Canadian goverment for compensation for these very nasty techniques. Compensation has been paid out in cases already. The American goverment admitted the MK ULtra program.
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