Ever beat somebody so hard they ragequitted your friendlist?

10 Apr 2012
Title sums it up, 15-3'd a high ranked guy in Tekken who I'd had on Steam for quite a while, since the game's release. I knew something was up when he just went silent about 8 games in, then eventually he left the lobby and removed me in a tantrum.

There must be some pretty hilarious stories people have similar to this, shoot!
Nope, I treat every win with dignity, and every loss as a learning experience....

Hah, Who am I kidding? I rage myself all the time but have only real life friends on steam so would never unfriend.
A small claim to fame.

When I was much younger (13 or 14) I entered a national competition with Streetfighter 2. I remember it being based at Earl's Court.

There were about 250 people that entered and I came third. A won a 'world warrior' belt out of it. In short to say I was pretty darn good.

Fast forward 20 years and I am was under the impression that my SF2 skills would be transferable to SF4.......how wrong was I??? Turns out I am one hell of a sore loser and a ragequit professional.

Have I removed friends on my PSN list because of it? Hell yeah!

I havent entertained SF5 because I am assuming it would bring out the worst in me.
Not as much ragequitting but raging hardcore at the moment when playing PES2018 online...I don't add people but turn into something else when things dont go my way!
Ive seen numerous ragequits in WoW and EQ, during raids is most frequent... EQ it was common, we had a guy who was a bit highly strung, and loot was always handed out by the loot committee (this was pre DKP times) and on numerous occasions when he didnt agree with the loot not being awarded to him he would ragequit.

Had a GM rage quit and delete the guild once before too, that was pretty hilarious.
Others have rage quitted on me in GTA and I've rage quitted on them too lol.

I only go after someone to prove a point. I think I'd be embarressed to go 15 - 3.
I made my bro rage-quit on rocket league (domo'd him too much). He didn't unfriend me, but his house mate told me he left their home to cool-off, lol!
Losing at video games is no joke... ;)

No kidding, I just had 'Raging gamer chews on friend's penis "like a sandwich"' pop up as a suggestion (ReviewTechUSA) on Youtube, and that was just for asking that the volume to be turned down. I'd hate to think what a beat 'em up drubbing would have lead to.

Never had it on stuff like Steam which tends to largely be people I know IRL or other closer acquaintances but in games where the friends feature is a bit more filled up with randoms, etc. I've had it happen.

Had an interesting one in Eve Online once - a bunch of people at work played together (industry corp linked to Intrepid Crossing) - one day a group of people from my corp went and attacked a target of opportunity but I was busy with real life and didn't know what was going on - came back a couple of days later as they were about to finish this group off - turns out it was the people from work they'd attacked and completely wiped them out - months of work obliterated - I didn't have a lot of sympathy as it turns out they'd done little to defend themselves and worked on appeasement with the principle that if they didn't aggress anyone else no one would have a reason to attack them... oh how naive. They rage unfriended me ingame and were like we can't be friends ingame any more - but in person were cool about it.
Pretty much every time I played Quake 4 (it is an old game I know). I do make pretty much one of two people go madly insane at me every other game. Just eggs me on more to be honest.

Also WoW back in the day when it was a give away. The amount of raging on boss wipes was hilarious :D
Not quite, but there was some cronie in warcraft playing alliance (scum :p) frost mage that had played since beta, duelling me as (horde) fire mage played since late TBC. Both level 80 or 85.
Hour or so of duels in alliance areas, he couldn't win one, which was weird as he wasn't bad.
One point he had aggro'd a mob (low level, place after Darnassus) & it hit & killed him :D

He wasn't amused, didn't see him log online for over a month if I recall & when he did, he quit his mage & rolled shadowpest hehe.
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I beat a mate so hard and so repeatedly at Soulclibur on Dreamcast he ragequit my friend list IRL for months. We laugh about it now, it was ~17 years ago, still expecting to be shanked one day though :p
My Nephew is now of the age that beating me is high on the agenda. We tend to play TF2. However when on opposing sides, I get singled out by my Nephew. We work well on the same side, although when against one another - usually we will rage. Being beat by a young whipper snapper is not good for my ego. ;)

To level things up, I recently fired up the recent Mini Super Nintendo, Street Fighter, Mario Kart - My Nephew raged a few times.

I am a casual player, for instance, yet to learn the intricacy of Overwatch which my Nephew rules. I fire up OW and get panned.

I like simple games, although even with Counter Strike I struggle to select a weapon in time when a match starts. :o
I had one chap rage quit PC gaming as a whole, if that counts.

Played Counter-Strike with him for a few years when it released and I was a young teen. Naturally I got better over time and he couldn't fathom it, convinced himself I was cheating and bought a PS3 whilst selling his PC. He next came online about three years later. Funnily enough I still actually play CS with him and our old group quite often to this day.
Back at uni me and my housemates and a few friends used to play 2 v 2 Gears of War LAN, one of my friends used to rage quit and go home he didn't even chill with us and not play.
There are some real bitch made ninjas out there eh, I thought this'd be hilarious but some of these stories are just sad! How can people even be like that?

You beat me at a game? Brb having a tantrum and never speaking to you again IRL.
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