Ever beat somebody so hard they ragequitted your friendlist?

GoldenEye N64 - If anyone picked odd job they would get a decent slap, he was banned and there was no "Oh I accidentally picked him" allowed.
A mate of mine was getting ruined on Siege, he's pretty good so was having a real bad few games and in his rage-quit, his poor keyboard took the brunt of it and got ripped and thrown from the desk, it also took out his motherboard which I found hilarious.
Whenever I was beating a friend at anything in a game he'd get a mysterious phone call then 5 mins later he'd be playing a different game with no contact lol.
I had one chap rage quit PC gaming as a whole, if that counts.

Played Counter-Strike with him for a few years when it released and I was a young teen. Naturally I got better over time and he couldn't fathom it, convinced himself I was cheating and bought a PS3 whilst selling his PC. He next came online about three years later. Funnily enough I still actually play CS with him and our old group quite often to this day.

Some people are far better at CS then others, it does make some rage toggle now is quite common
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