Ever come close to death?

26 Sep 2005
Tonbridge, Kent
Reading the near death experience thread made me curious to know if anyone else has come close to death?

Maybe surviving a car accident, near misses, emergency landings, illnesses etc.

The one occasion i can remember clearly was when i was up the top of a very large hill in Yorkshire. There was a Gail force wind blowing.

Anyway i had found this massive fossil, so i decided i was going to lug it back down to the bottom. To get back down again i had to walk along a long thin path, on the one side of me were razor sharp rocks (and the Gail force wind) on the other was a 100 foot drop (with more jagged rocks). About half way along a very heavy gust of wind knock me sideways, i stumbled and the large rock in my backpack, wind and gravity tipped me sideways over the edge. Luckily a couple of friends were fast enough to grab one of my arms and a bit of clothing. Fortunately i had gone to the loo before i left for the walk otherwise i'm sure i would have **** myself.
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was doing the Bet you can't climb that tree when i was about 14. Got a good distance up a oak tree, started to come down and something broke and i fell about 35 - 40 feet, and landed badly. took a 4 inch wide 18 inch long chunk of skin of my back where i landed across a wide low branch.

One express trip to hospital, broken back, spinal surgery and a couple of disc removed that were crushed, fused a few vertibrae together, and 3 pints of blood. 34 stiches.

not one of my brightest moments, but it wasn't my fault, the tree let me down. all fine now. Apart from being uncomfortable when i sit for long periods no ill long lasting effects, apart from a kick ass scar on my back.
I survived a very bad car accident that involved fatalities in the other vehicle.
I was seven at the time, and my grandfather was driving. The other car flew out of a junction and we went right into it. I was in hospital for a bit but to be honest cant remember that much about it

EDIT: Call me badger, that sounds horrific!!! Glad your ok now though
160mph + concrete wall = broken ribs, small pieces of carbon fibre in my left side, broken collarbone, left knee tendons damaged, 4 broken fingers and one hell of a headache.
I fell from a third storey balcony when I was about 7 or 8 years old. I heard my parents run to the next door neighbours flat and tell him what happened as he had a phone and they wanted to call an ambulance. I heard everything whilst I was out cold. My old man belting down the stairs and my mum screaming were crystal clear to me as well as the conversation that they were trying to have with the neighbour. Strangely enough, when I regained conciousness I could smell burning flesh for some reason and later on managed to tell the doctors about hearing my mum and dad. They thought I was talking rubbish :(
Most of my near-death experiences involved eating at the Magic resort in Thailand and riding motorbikes. Enuff said.
Ever come close to death?

yeah. he said if it had gone on his gown, or on his scyth, he'd have killed me.
When i was about 10, in Germany, me and my friend played in an abandoned warehouse.. it was about to get knocked down, that was the next day :p

I guess that was a farly close call lol.
My first heart attack was a near thing, luckily I was in casualty when it really got me ..... next thing I know I'm waking up in the resusitation bay. (aged 41, heavy smoking)
ben_j_davis said:
Nasty, luckily the worst thats happened to me was a scratched eye ball.

I've had that, brother decided it would be funny to whip me round the head with a towel - couldn't see for a good few hours in one eye:(
starting from when i was born.

fell off some vertical T bars onto my head when i was 2 in the park. (my dad hung me on them and got a beating from my mum by all accounts)

used my baby walker on holiday to move out the appartment and down 7 flights of concrete stairs!

stuck a falk into a plug socket

thats it for baby stuff from what ive been told by my parents.

now the drunk stuff -
went out got drunk and woke up in hospital with a big cut on my head and cuts on my face.

jumped into a water fountain that has large metal spikes sticking up for the sprayers, narrowly missing a spike

not drunk
just come back from a skiing trip where me and dad got abit lost and had to turn back, then a 30minute hike back from where we came and we both slid down a mountain side which was VERY scary as there was a big drop and lots of rocks about 10 feet from where we stopped
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