Ever come close to death?

its not really close to death but i suppose it counts in a way.

I was due to land in NYC in the morning of September 11, 2001. Had a crisis and had to cancel holiday. Was properly cut up about it at the time and didn't even think about the connection til my friend emailed me and said 'bet you're glad you didn't go now aren't you'. Still freaks me out a bit to this day, even though it wasn't 'close to death' in the physical sense.

Edit: Oh yeah, used to be a competitive swimmer, banged my head on the floor of the pool once when a dive went wrong and was unconscious for a few seconds. Had dodgy moments underwater quite a few times, probably only twice of note that I remember blacking out or coming close to it. Hazard of the sport I suppose. Oh and I was a passenger in a car that hit a transit van head on at 60mph and I wasn't wearing a seatbelt (young, stupid and showing off :rolleyes: ) Still got a bumpy knee now, but no other injuries.

Edit again: Nearly choked on fried rice (HOW EMBARRASSING - contender for the Darwin awards!)... and had a fit when I was a kid and walked through the tv. Woke up in an ambulance :rolleyes:
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I came about an inch from flipping my car onto it's roof, then about an inch from ploughing into an Audi A4 coming in the other direction, then about an inch from ploughing into the side of a tunnel, all in about the space of 2 seconds.

Which was fun!

Diesel on the roads, fun in your Classic rear-drive Britmobile :)

Again, in the car - driving back in heavy winds, came across a branch down across the road, got out to move it, cleared the way, started driving forwards then a whole tree fell in its place! :eek: ...needless to say I backed out of that entire treed area at a vast rate of knots, J turned and went a different way!
1) While climbing a tree when I was a kid, I was jumping up and down on a branch about 40ft or so up and the tree decided to fall with me it, it was rotton and the trunk snapped.

2) When climbing, I was doing a solo route missed a hold and fell about 60ft to the ground, I was lucky that a patch of nettles broke my fall.

3) Mounting biking, hit a tree stump hidden in the grass, did a summersalt and landed on the tree stump on my back, took a while before I could breath again.

4) Last Christmas, I laughed so hard at one of my brothers jokes, that I could not catch my breath and passed out, very strange when I came round again, he lifted me up and I started to breath again - I think I re-booted.
When i was 9 i thought the glowing bit inside the toaster looked cool. I proceeded to take a knife from the drawer and poke the filament. All the electricity in the house went off which puzzled me a bit, then my father emerged in the kitchen and asked me if id just done anything that might have caused the power outage. I explained what i'd just done and after he went ballistic, he educated me as to the dangers of elastic trickery.
fallbayuk said:
When i was 9 i thought the glowing bit inside the toaster looked cool. I proceeded to take a knife from the drawer and poke the filament. All the electricity in the house went off which puzzled me a bit, then my father emerged in the kitchen and asked me if id just done anything that might have caused the power outage. I explained what i'd just done and after he went ballistic, he educated me as to the dangers of elastic trickery.

elastic trickery?? Sounds fun! and not as dangerous as electric! :p
Crashed my first car going approx 80mph, span 3 times down a country lane...could have been a different story if I didn't manage to correct it first time otherwise i'd have gone into a set of trees.

Dad forgot I was in the kitchen then when he came back, I was still sitting on the kitchen table in a room full of smoke, (I was a baby at the time). Probably not near death but could have been if I was left in there longer....

This one wasn't a near-death but it definetly felt like it:

Was playing football and someone belted the ball in my direct and it hit me in the chest and knocked all the wind out of me, I couldn't grab any oxygen for what seemed like ages. I was holding on to my nuts at the time and didn't realised till the coach told me to let go of them :p

Not had a chance to read through the thread yet but no doubt mine will sound lame.
90+mph into a brick wall, police were amazed i had survived and i didn't even get hurt. The car was a total write off, really weird experince.
A friend and i when we were 11 were in a field he was wearing roller blades and we for some reason were trying to hook a rope around an electric cable,

He managed to do it and nearlly died in front of me he started to go into speazm as the leccy was travelling through his body but he was still concious telling me his chest was going tight then he screamed as smoke started to come from his foot. . The doc said he only survived because of his roller blades, i wasnt wearing any!!!
Nearest I've been would be falling out a 2nd floor window onto concrete steps head first when I was seven (or eight...?).

Not surprisingly I fractured my skull, and lost the majority of my childhood memories (can't remember anything, aside from the odd couple of things, before the fall, or indeed even falling) but no other broken bones, just a lot of bruising.

Anyway....its all good, I'm alive and all that.
Wiped out on a Wave that was as big as a friggin house, got held under for ages, and when I resurfaced, the second wave in the set came down on my head.
I was down under so long, that I gave up trying to swim up as I was too tired.
I opened my eyes and noticed light breaking through the water, and swam to the surface.
I had to pull a quick release cord on the leash (ties a surfer to his board sorta thingy) as my board was also beeing kept under, and got wedged between the reef below.

Gad when I got out the water I prolly laid on my back for 15 mins on the beach wondering WTF just happened :p
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